
cord是什么意思 cord在线翻译 cord什么意思 cord的意思 cord的翻译 cord的解释 cord的发音 cord的同义词 cord的反义词 cord的例句 cord的相关词组

cord [kɔ:d]  [kɔ:rd] 


cord 基本解释

名词(细)绳; 灯心绒裤

及物动词用绳子捆绑; 堆积(柴薪)

cord 情景对话

Bungee Jumping-(蹦极跳)


A:Hi, John, how was your vacation?


B:Awesome, we went to Australia and New Zealand.

A:That must have been wonderful. Do anything interesting?

B:Well, we went bungee jumping when we were in Australia.


A:Wow! Isn’t that dangerous?

B:A little, but the rush was worth it.

A:Tell me about it.

B:We jumped off a bridge and fell 500 feet before the bungee cord caught us.


A:500 feet! I would never be able to do that.

B:Yeah, It was scary, but exhilarating.

cord 网络解释

1. 绳索:欧美国家对婴幼儿及儿童服装有更加严格的要求,如欧盟制定的标准EN 14682-2007,对14岁以下儿童服装上的束带或绳索做了详细严格的限定,包括纺织或非纺织材料的绳索(cord)、链带(chain)、条带(ribbon)、细绳(string)、狭条(tape)

2. 心:职业研究和开发中心(CORD)设计了一些同时满足授学术教育和生涯与技术教育学生需求的课程. 教师能够调整该课程的内容以满足不同学校的实际需求;该课程还允许教师增加学术内容. 1991-1992学年,有82.4%的综合学校提供职业课程,

3. cord:cybernet online roaming database; 信息空间站在线漫游数据库

4. cord:chronic obstructive respiratory disease; 慢性阻塞性呼吸道病

5. cord:center for occupational research and development; 职业研究发展中心

cord 词典解释

1. 粗线;细绳
    Cord is strong, thick string.

    e.g. The door had been tied shut with a length of nylon cord.
    e.g. ...gilded cords and tassels.

2. 电源线
    Cord is wire covered in rubber or plastic which connects electrical equipment to an electricity supply.


    e.g. ...electrical cord...
    e.g. We used so many lights that we needed four extension cords.

3. 灯芯绒裤子
    Cords are trousers made of corduroy .


    e.g. He had bare feet, a T-shirt and cords on.

4. 灯芯绒的
    Cord means made of corduroy .

    e.g. ...a pair of cord trousers.

5. see also: spinal cord;umbilical cord;vocal cords

cord 单语例句

1. Pendergrass suffered a spinal cord injury and was paralyzed from the waist down in the 1982 car accident.

2. The handy green cord makes it easy to carry it along, and it can be refilled several times during the day.

3. The rabies virus spreads through the central nervous system and causes inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.

4. Women in the highest quarter for cord blood theobromine were 69 percent less likely to develop the complication than those in the lowest quarter.

5. Police said Exodus either slipped or put her head in the loop of a cord hanging under the console.

6. The umbilical cord blood transplantation was performed in Wuhan Xiehe hospital on Nov 23.

7. Rescuers crunch through cord grass and seashells before hitting a grabby muck that releases footsteps with a sucking pop.

8. The islanders would erect towers and then select the strongest vines to use as their equivalent of the modern bungee cord.

9. The challenge for medicine will be finding ways to enhance and harness this spontaneous neural rewiring to help heal spinal cord injuries.

10. This meant that during the soccer match, my pants were flimsily held together by some loose cord and a bit of thread.

cord 英英释义


1. a line made of twisted fibers or threads

    e.g. the bundle was tied with a cord

2. a cut pile fabric with vertical ribs
    usually made of cotton

    Synonym: corduroy

3. a light insulated conductor for household use

    Synonym: electric cord

4. a unit of amount of wood cut for burning
    128 cubic feet



1. bind or tie with a cord

2. stack in cords

    e.g. cord firewood

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