
cosy是什么意思 cosy在线翻译 cosy什么意思 cosy的意思 cosy的翻译 cosy的解释 cosy的发音 cosy的同义词 cosy的反义词 cosy的例句 cosy的相关词组

cosy ['kəʊzɪ]  [ˈkozi] 


cosy 基本解释

形容词舒适的,惬意的; 畅快的; 亲切友好的

名词有遮盖的双人座椅; 保暖罩

cosy 网络解释

1. 舒适:公司一贯秉承安全(safety)、健康(health)、舒适(cosy)、经济(economy)、时尚(vogue)的装饰理念,公司名称shcoevo即起源于此. 同时我们不断与时俱进,将基础装饰理念赋予新的性命力. 凭借经验丰盛、敬业务实、勇敢前卫的设计、施工和管理,

2. 舒适的:29.cute可爱 | 30.cosy舒适的 | 31.butterfly蝴蝶

3. 舒适的,安逸的:costume 装束 | cosy 舒适的,安逸的 | coupon 折扣券 ,息票,优惠券

4. 舒实:29. cute 可爱 | 30. cosy 舒实?br /> | 31. butterfly 蝴蝶

cosy 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 cozy

1. 暖和舒适的
    A house or room that is cosy is comfortable and warm.


    e.g. Downstairs there's a breakfast room and guests can relax in the cosy bar.

We took time to relax in the cosily decorated drawing room.
In the evening a log fire would provide cosiness.

2. 感到温暖舒适的
    If you are cosy, you are comfortable and warm.


    e.g. They like to make sure their guests are comfortable and cosy.

He was settled cosily in the corner with an arm round Lynda.

3. 愉快的;友好的;亲切的
    You use cosy to describe activities that are pleasant and friendly, and involve people who know each other well.

    e.g. ...a cosy chat between friends...
    e.g. My mood this year is for a cosy, nice and thoroughly wholesome Christmas.

...chatting cosily with friends over coffee.
...the cosiness and solidity of family life.

cosy 单语例句

1. All the couple did was to cosy up and watch hot stuff in the cool confines of home.

2. Jenny McCarthy has been seen getting " very cosy " with a mystery man.

3. It was a bit like that cosy feeling of drinking hot chocolate after coming in from a freezing cold hike in October.

4. Decked out entirely in blue and white, this cosy eatery even has its own flamboyantly patriotic Greek owner.

5. Cosy bars, crowded discos and busy snack stalls entertain locals and tourists in a casual style.

6. The pair were recently spotted looking cosy at a party in Las Vegas.

7. Comfortable sofas, table clothes and curtains all lend a cosy atmosphere.

8. Recent reports claimed that the actress had been spotted getting " cosy " with Gareth Geno at a London nightclub.

9. Still Thoughts Vegetarian This is a small but clean and cosy place.

10. The shop looks cosy bathed in warm sunlight, and fragrant aroma of flour and butter in the air is exquisite.

cosy 英英释义



1. a padded cloth covering to keep a teapot warm

    Synonym: tea cosycozytea cozy


1. enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space

    e.g. a cozy nook near the fire
           snug in bed
           a snug little apartment

    Synonym: cozysnug

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