
coupon是什么意思 coupon在线翻译 coupon什么意思 coupon的意思 coupon的翻译 coupon的解释 coupon的发音 coupon的同义词 coupon的反义词 coupon的例句

coupon [ˈku:pɒn]  [ˈku:pɑ:n] 


coupon 基本解释

名词优惠券; 息票,通票; 试样,试件; 配给券

coupon 相关例句


1. coupon什么意思

1. I've kept the special coupon from the box of washing powder, so that I can get my next box cheaper.

coupon 网络解释

1. coupon什么意思

1. 息票:尽管如此,两者之间有一个非常重要的,也是很难对付的差别:债券有一个息票(coupon)和到期日,从而可以确定未来现金流. 而对于股票投资,投资分析师则必须自己估计未来的'息票'. 另外管理人员的能力和水平对于债券的影响甚少,

2. 票息:且随著景气持续扩张,利差将有机会进一步缩小,其中,投资等级公司债虽近期受美国公债殖利率上扬而出现回档压力,但中长期投资价值仍较公债更具吸引力;高收益债则持续受惠资金行情而走扬,加上目前票息(coupon)约10.5%(资料时间:Bloomberg,

3. coupon的意思

3. 试样:此种试验是利用特定试样(Coupon)中的一组加热用的电阻线路,在通电后使样板快速升温到150℃,停电后又降回到室温的快速热循环做法,以检查试样中另一组待测之互连线路在电阻值上的变化情形.

coupon 词典解释

1. (购物的)赠券,优惠券
    A coupon is a piece of printed paper which allows you to pay less money than usual for a product, or to get it free.


    e.g. Bring the coupon below to any Tecno store and pay just £10.99.
    e.g. ...a 50p money-off coupon.

2. (剪自报刊的)咨询单,订货单,参赛表
    A coupon is a small form, for example in a newspaper or magazine, which you send off to ask for information, to order something, or to enter a competition.

    e.g. Send the coupon with a cheque for £18.50, made payable to 'Good Housekeeping'...
    e.g. He was filling in his pools coupon.

coupon 单语例句

1. The coupons could be used for consumption, but coupon holders should not be allowed to exchange the coupons for cash.

2. Financial experts said they expect actual coupon rates to be set at the lower end of the range due to strong demand.

3. Maturities must be longer than one year and the coupon rate should not exceed three times the central bank's benchmark interest rate.

4. Such an " unpunctuality coupon " is quickly becoming a popular gift in China.

5. Yau said the proposed coupon scheme is open to any retailer that agrees to stop selling tungsten light bulbs in line with the government schedule.

6. Sometimes she cannot get to sleep until she places a couple of orders and marks the deadline of each coupon on a sticker.

7. Gold may be a good inflation hedge, but it will not yield any income stream returns such as dividends or coupon interest.

8. " You get cash instead of four pieces of cake that aren't healthy, " he spoke in a murmur to a waiting coupon holder.

9. Each child was given four strips of red paper - a sort of coupon - for small gifts.

10. They sold 200 million yuan of debt, which will mature in three years with a 3 percent coupon rate.

coupon 英英释义


1. a test sample of some substance

2. a negotiable certificate that can be detached and redeemed as needed

    Synonym: voucher

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