
cycle是什么意思 cycle在线翻译 cycle什么意思 cycle的意思 cycle的翻译 cycle的解释 cycle的发音 cycle的同义词 cycle的反义词 cycle的例句

cycle [ˈsaɪkl]  [ˈsaɪkəl] 


cycle 基本解释


名词循环,周期; 自行车; 时代,一段时间; 整套

不及物动词周而复始,循环; 骑自行车; 轮转

及物动词运转,循环; 使轮转

cycle 相关例句


1. The workmen cycled home.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. He cycles to school every day.

3. The machine cycles automatically.


1. The seasons of the year make a cycle.

2. cycle的解释

2. She goes to work on her cycle.

cycle 网络解释

1. cycle是什么意思

1. 周波:两大主流对电压骤降之定义与规范大致上差异不大,均定义电压骤降至基频有效值之0.1 ~ 0.9 pu范围,时间持续0.5周波(cycle)至1分钟内,皆属于电压骤降(sag)之定义范围.

2. 骑自行车:春天天气温暖,阳光充足. 明天是星期六,王庭没有课,他计划和同学们一起去农场帮农民们干活,并在那儿吃午餐、放风筝. 农场离学校不远,他们打算骑自行车(cycle)去.

cycle 词典解释

1. 骑(自行车)
    If you cycle, you ride a bicycle.

    e.g. He cycled to Ingwold...
    e.g. Britain could save £4.6 billion a year in road transport costs if more people cycled...

The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling.

2. 自行车
    A cycle is a bicycle.

    e.g. ...an eight-mile cycle ride.

3. 摩托车
    A cycle is a motorcycle.

4. 循环;周期
    A cycle is a series of events or processes that is repeated again and again, always in the same order.


    e.g. ...the life cycle of the plant...
    e.g. The figures marked the final low point of the present economic cycle...

5. (运转的)一周,一圈;一个工作循环
    A cycle is a single complete series of movements in an electrical, electronic, or mechanical process.

    e.g. ...10 cycles per second.

6. 组歌;组诗
    A cycle is a series of songs or poems that are intended to be performed or read one after the other.

    e.g. ...Wagner's Ring cycle.

cycle 单语例句

1. Reliability is the dominating issue in all buying decisions as it has a high impact on life cycle costs and revenues.

2. There are other destabilizing feedbacks in the carbon cycle that involve the oceans.

3. A carbon sink is a component of the carbon cycle that stores more carbon than it emits into the atmosphere.

4. The secondary footprint is the indirect carbon dioxide emissions from the life cycle of any products associated with manufacturing.

5. And I also want to point out that we are looking for a true low carbon society based on the entire life cycle.

6. But they won't catapult China into a new boom cycle, as many economists have pointed out.

7. Tang said the rally of cereal prices was a normal cycle as grain prices had been dropping for the past few years.

8. China's monetary policy ceremoniously entered into a tightening cycle in October 2010.

9. The company says safety, reliability and low life cycle cost characterize its product line.

10. He was in Cuba throughout last week, and said Friday that he successfully completed his first cycle of chemotherapy.


cycle 英英释义



1. a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals

    Synonym: bicyclebikewheel

2. a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon

    e.g. a year constitutes a cycle of the seasons

    Synonym: oscillation

3. a periodically repeated sequence of events

    e.g. a cycle of reprisal and retaliation

4. a series of poems or songs on the same theme

    e.g. Schubert's song cycles

5. the unit of frequency
    one hertz has a periodic interval of one second

    Synonym: hertzHzcycle per secondcycles/secondcps

6. an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs

    e.g. the never-ending cycle of the seasons

    Synonym: rhythmround



1. recur in repeating sequences

2. ride a bicycle

    Synonym: bicyclebikepedalwheel

3. ride a motorcycle

    Synonym: motorbikemotorcycle

4. pass through a cycle

    e.g. This machine automatically cycles

5. cause to go through a recurring sequence

    e.g. cycle the laundry in this washing program

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