
day labourer是什么意思 day labourer在线翻译 day labourer什么意思 day labourer的意思 day labourer的翻译 day labourer的解释 day labourer的发音

day labourer [dei ˈleɪbrə]  [de ˈlebrɚ] 

day labourer 基本解释


day labourer 网络解释

1. 日工:labourer worker 农业工人 | day labourer 日工 | seasonal worker 季节工

2. 日工HZF中国英语学习网:labourer worker 农业工人HZF中国英语学习网 | day labourer 日工HZF中国英语学习网 | seasonal worker 季节工HZF中国英语学习网

3. 日工WPT无忧研修网:labourer worker 农业工人WPT无忧研修网 | day labourer 日工WPT无忧研修网 | seasonal worker 季节工WPT无忧研修网

4. 日工AEZ无忧研修网:labourer worker 农业工人AEZ无忧研修网 | day labourer 日工AEZ无忧研修网 | seasonal worker 季节工AEZ无忧研修网

day labourer 双语例句

1. He grew up poor: his father was a day labourer.

2. day labourer是什么意思

2. On Labourer Day, we prepared Mount Wuyi to travel.

3. Aintenance of the family alone, Sajila works as a day labourer to support him.

4. His father had been a day labourer, and he had himself begun life with no other capital than his good sense and good constitution; now, however, there was a goodly show of timber about his yard, and a look of solid comfort over his whole establishment.

5. Issam al-Khazraji, a day labourer in Baghdad, said: He doesn`t

6. Samuel Sánchez, a bricklayer waiting at a day labourer`s market in Mexico City, says his wife has been selling off farm animals every fortnight to feed their family.
    Samuel Sánchez,一个在墨西哥城的临时工市场等工作的砖匠说他的妻子已经在卖家畜以维持家庭生计。

7. Issam al-Khazraji, a day labourer in Baghdad, said: He doesn`t deserve this prize.
    伊拉克首都巴格达的日工Issam al-Khazraji说:这个奖项,他受之有愧。

8. Some company ten: Leads the aristocrat, the staff slave, theinspection regularization, goes to work day and night melts, workingovertime free, is scolded the custom, is transferred to another postdecided but not yet announced, the inspection formalization, thetreatment labourer, raise in salary?

9. Many a time and oft I wish I were a common labourer; that, awakening in the morning, I might have but one prospect, one pursuit, one hope, for the day which has dawned.

10. Splendid building, the purpose of the day-labourer may simply be as a hireling

11. There cannot be a clearer demonstration of any thing, than several nations of the Americans are of this, who are rich in land, and poor in all the comforts of life; whom nature having furnished as liberally as any other people, with the materials of plenty, i. e. a fruitful soil, apt to produce in abundance, what might serve for food, raiment, and delight; yet for want of improving it by labour, have not one hundredth part of the conveniencies we enjoy: and a king of a large and fruitful territory there, feeds, lodges, and is clad worse than a day-labourer in England.

12. Observe the accommodation of the most common artificer or day-labourer in a civilized and thriving country, and you will perceive that the number of people of whose industry a part, though but a small part, has been employed in procuring him this accommodation, exceeds all computation.
      牧 羊人,选毛人,梳毛人,染工,梳理工,纺工,织工,蒸洗工,缝纫工和许多其他工人,为了完成这件日用品,必须把他们的不同手艺联合起来。

13. day labourer

13. Small once considered coming home a load market place to seek " day labourer " as well, but a circle of carried down to canceled this mind.

14. Her husband is a day labourer, which means he gets what work he can.

15. day labourer什么意思

15. With the development of empoyment contract, the state of the employer owns the employee for ever is go out already. This day, the employee change his or her job is never a news. And go along with market competition is flaming, securing merchant secet is more and more important, with regards to an organization. At this time, the organization sign a contract with the labourer, in order to forbid the employee to protect the organazation's competition profit.

16. That day he was poor, obscure, and disheartened, and one day the world might be singing with the labourer's name.

17. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

17. Small once considered coming home a load market place to seek " day labourer " as well, but a circle of carried down to canceled this mind.

day labourer 英英释义


1. a laborer who works by the day
    for daily wages

    Synonym: day laborer

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