
pickle是什么意思 pickle在线翻译 pickle什么意思 pickle的意思 pickle的翻译 pickle的解释 pickle的发音 pickle的同义词 pickle的反义词 pickle的例句

pickle [ˈpɪkl]  [ˈpɪkəl] 


pickle 基本解释


名词腌菜,泡菜; 腌制食品; 遇到麻烦,处于困境

pickle 相关例句


1. pickle的近义词

1. Grandmother knew how to pickle cucumbers.


1. She can make jams and pickles.

2. Meat can be preserved in pickle.

3. How did you get yourself in this pickle?

pickle 网络解释

1. 泡菜:<<菊与刀>>一书使得世界更加理解菊花与日本的精神内联;武士刀、武士道精神是日本忠孝礼义的集中体现,这些都是日本文化的符号2、韩国(Republic of Korea):国花:木槿花(flos hibisci传统食物:打糕、韩果、泡菜(pickle).

2. pickle的反义词

2. 腌黄瓜:3.(3) 腌黄瓜(Pickle)因制作时加入何种物质才有 好的保存性 防腐剂香盐 色素.554.(4) 德国酸菜(Sauerkraut)是 用何种加工原 制作的藏 乾燥菌 发酵.555.(2) 香辛 (Spices)多经何种加工方法处冻 乾燥 发酵菌.557.(3) 西餐烹调材 之小咸鱼(Anchovy)是以何种鱼 加工制成 鲔鱼 鲱鱼 鯷鱼 丁香559.(1) 市售的酸乳(Yoghurt)的制造是

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 酸黃瓜:所以易於保存.(x) 83 鲜乳(Fresh Milk)指的是由牛乳房挤出,未经任何加工处理的乳汁.(o) 87 酥油(Shortening)烹调出食品,口感通常较为酥脆.(x) 88 玛琪琳(Margarine)是将猪油经氢化作用制成的.(o) 89 腌渍酸黄瓜(Pickle)主要的原料是小黄瓜,白醋,

pickle 词典解释

1. 泡菜;腌菜
    Pickles are vegetables or fruit, sometimes cut into pieces, which have been kept in vinegar or salt water for a long time so that they have a strong, sharp taste.

    e.g. Another strong Yorkshire country tradition is making pickles and chutneys.

2. 菜酱
    Pickle is a cold spicy sauce with pieces of vegetables and fruit in it.


    e.g. ...jars of pickle.

3. (以醋或盐水)泡制,腌制,腌渍
    When you pickle food, you keep it in vinegar or salt water so that it does not go bad and it develops a strong, sharp taste.

    e.g. Select your favourite fruit or veg and pickle them while they are still fresh...
    e.g. Herrings can be salted, smoked and pickled.

Small pickling onions can be used instead of sliced ones.

4. 困境;逆境;窘境
    If you are in a pickle, you are in a difficult and awkward situation.

    e.g. Companies find themselves in a pickle when their markets change...
    e.g. Caroline had sure as hell got herself into a pickle this time.

pickle 单语例句

1. Clubbers can buy cocktails from the period at the provision store styled bar, and snacks that include homemade Scotch eggs and " doorstep " cheese and pickle sandwiches.

2. The kimchi scare in South Korea has not diminished demand, but it has caused more people to decide to pickle their own.

3. Preserved Sichuan Pickle and Shredded Pork Soup was one of the first.

4. In the seasonal pickle industry, cash flow is tightest when vegetables are purchased for pickle production.

5. The Fuling pickle continues to win honors and was included on the list of protected original local products in 2005.

6. The buns are toasted and the meal is finished off by adding onion and pickle, said the company.

7. It is only a short walk to the famous bar district nearby where you can pickle your own liver.

8. The pool was used by the Zhangs to pickle green plums but was abandoned six years ago.

9. The introduction of a new law earlier this year has left thousands of Beijing's proudest car owners in a pickle.

10. The agriculture department said the pickle output in the province has already increased by 20 percent over the past year.


pickle 英英释义


1. vegetables (especially cucumbers) preserved in brine or vinegar

2. informal terms for a difficult situation

    e.g. he got into a terrible fix
           he made a muddle of his marriage

    Synonym: fixholejammessmuddlekettle of fish


1. preserve in a pickling liquid

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