
mess是什么意思 mess在线翻译 mess什么意思 mess的意思 mess的翻译 mess的解释 mess的发音 mess的同义词 mess的反义词 mess的例句 mess的相关词组

mess [mes]  [mɛs] 


mess 基本解释

名词混乱; 困境; 食堂; 肮脏

及物动词弄脏; 搞砸; 给…供膳

不及物动词把事情弄糟; 制造脏乱


mess 相关词组

1. mess about : 浪费时间, 荡来荡去, 闲逛, 混日子, 行动笨拙, 说话罗嗦;

2. make a mess of : 搞糟;

3. lose the number of one's mess : 死;

4. go to mess : 去食堂吃饭;


mess 相关例句


1. mess的近义词

1. I was used to him messing up the kitchen.


1. She messed up on the math test.


1. He is a mess!

2. You're a mess, you'll have to change.

3. You've made a mess of the job.

mess 网络解释

1. 混乱:lution-Finding) 而正式发展於Parnes在1967年所提出的CPS基本模式 Parnes认为 CPS历程包含了寻求事实寻求问题寻求构想寻求解决及履行解决方式模糊不清的挑战与相关的事务通常源自於一团混乱 (混乱)(mess)一词是一种广泛的说

2. 军用食堂:Missile equipped destroyer 导弹驱逐舰 | Mess 军用食堂 | Rock-bottom 最低的

3. 麻 似.............杂 乱:hum............哼 麽.............哼 唱 | mess...........麻 似.............杂 乱 | hate...........恨 他.............恨;憎恶

4. mess:magnet experimental saturday school; 磁石教育实验周末学校

5. mess:multiple expert system system; 多个专家系统的系统

6. mess:mangled extremity severity score; 毁损肢体严重程度评分

7. mess:miscellaneous equipment supervisory subsystem; 杂项设备监视子系统

mess 词典解释

1. 脏乱;凌乱;不整洁
    If you say that something is a mess or in a mess, you think that it is in an untidy state.

    e.g. The house is a mess...
    e.g. The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess...

2. 困境;麻烦;混乱
    If you say that a situation is a mess, you mean that it is full of trouble or problems. You can also say that something is in a mess .

    e.g. I've made such a mess of my life.
    e.g. ...the many reasons why the economy is in such a mess...

3. (意外滴落的)液体(或黏稠物)
    A mess is something liquid or sticky that has been accidentally dropped on something.

    e.g. Finally, making a dreadful mess, they devour the fruit...
    e.g. I'll clear up the mess later.

4. (军队的)餐厅,食堂
    The mess at a military base or military barracks is the building in which members of the armed forces can eat or relax.


    e.g. ...a party at the officers' mess...
    e.g. He hurried to the Mess to find the control officer.

相关词组:mess aroundmess upmess with

mess 单语例句

1. It is widely known that he made a right mess of his Hackney home by smearing the walls with blood and excrement.

2. If you're not embarrassed by this mess, raise your hand.

3. One officer cadet had his wallet, jacket and mobile stolen from a lounge while he was eating lunch in the mess.

4. The city's sanitation workers also went above and beyond the call of duty to clean up the mess caused by the flooding.

5. I grew up in Canada thinking pizza should have a soggy, doughy crust and be loaded down with toppings that often make a gooey mess.

6. The two began experimenting eight weeks ago after Voltz learned that cola plus candy equals a frothy mess.

7. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's children are making a " giant mess " in Cannes.

8. Leaders across the capitalist world are searching for ways out of the financial mess, which they so lovingly helped create.

9. A weaker dollar boosting exports and more cautious consumers cleaning up their debt mess are part of the picture unfolding right now.

10. The mess can be cleared only by finding every link in the chain and fighting them one by one.

mess 英英释义



1. a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relax

    Synonym: mess hall

2. a meal eaten in a mess hall by service personnel

3. soft semiliquid food

    e.g. a mess of porridge

4. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent

    e.g. a batch of letters
           a deal of trouble
           a lot of money
           he made a mint on the stock market
           see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos
           it must have cost plenty
           a slew of journalists
           a wad of money

    Synonym: batchdealflockgood dealgreat dealhatfulheaplotmassmicklemintmountainmucklepasselpeckpileplentypotquite a littleraftsightslewspatestacktidy sumwad

5. informal terms for a difficult situation

    e.g. he got into a terrible fix
           he made a muddle of his marriage

    Synonym: fixholejammuddlepicklekettle of fish

6. a state of confusion and disorderliness

    e.g. the house was a mess
           she smoothed the mussiness of the bed

    Synonym: messinessmussmussiness


1. make a mess of or create disorder in

    e.g. He messed up his room

    Synonym: mess up

2. eat in a mess hall

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