
pile是什么意思 pile在线翻译 pile什么意思 pile的意思 pile的翻译 pile的解释 pile的发音 pile的同义词 pile的反义词 pile的例句 pile的相关词组

pile [paɪl]  [paɪl] 


pile 基本解释

名词桩; 一堆; 绒头; 摞

及物动词堆起; 堆叠; 放置; 装入


pile 相关词组

1. pile up : 积累;

pile 相关例句


1. He piled the books on top of each other.

2. pile的意思

2. They piled the cart with fruit and vegetables.


1. They piled into my car.

2. She's been piling up money ever since she got the job.


1. pile

1. A pile of dirty clothes lay by the washing machine.

2. He's got piles of work to do this morning.

pile 网络解释

1. 堆:一堆(pile)搜索结果被称为一个堆栈(stack),每个堆栈都被自动保存在屏幕下方的一个停靠栏(dock)中,在你上次停止的地方标以一个缩略图. 你还可以保存搜索,进行屏幕截图,并保存在停靠栏中.

2. 一堆:然后就开始拿玛雅发掘出来的一个遗址说事,一开始说个结构是中间一堆(pile)石头,周围一圈石头(这里自己还画了个图,感觉不错),然后教授说这个结构干吗的,大家说说自己的假设,一女说:ceramony,教授说:很好!

pile 词典解释

1. (上窄下宽的)堆
    A pile of things is a mass of them that is high in the middle and has sloping sides.

    e.g. ...a pile of sand...
    e.g. ...a little pile of crumbs...

2. (一个压着一个摆放整齐的)叠,摞
    A pile of things is a quantity of things that have been put neatly somewhere so that each thing is on top of the one below.

    e.g. ...a pile of boxes...
    e.g. We sat in Sam's study, among the piles of books...

A pile of things can be tidy or untidy. …a neat pile of clothes. A heap is usually untidy, and often has the shape of a hill or mound. Now, the house is a heap of rubble. A stack is usually tidy, and often consists of flat objects placed directly on top of each other. …a neat stack of dishes.
pile既可指整齐的一叠,也可指杂乱的一堆:a neat pile of clothes(整齐的一叠衣服)。heap 通常指杂乱的、常呈小山或土墩状的一堆:Now, the house is a heap of rubble(现在,房子成了一堆瓦砾)。stack通常指整齐的、常是扁平物体叠放在一起的一摞:a neat stack of dishes(整齐的一摞盘子)。

3. 堆放;堆积;叠架
    If you pile things somewhere, you put them there so that they form a pile.

    e.g. He was piling clothes into the suitcase...
    e.g. A few newspapers and magazines were piled on a table.

4. 成堆地盖住(或装满)
    If something is piled with things, it is covered or filled with piles of things.

    e.g. Tables were piled high with local produce.
    e.g. ...trucks piled with luggage.

5. 一大堆;大量
    If you talk about a pile of something or piles of something, you mean a large amount of it.

    e.g. I've got a pile of questions afterwards for you.
    e.g. ...a whole pile of disasters.

6. 拥进/拥出;挤进/挤出
    If a group of people pile into or out of a vehicle, they all get into it or out of it in a disorganized way.

    e.g. They all piled into Jerrold's car...
    e.g. A fleet of police cars suddenly arrived. Dozens of officers piled out.

7. (尤指富人或要人居住的)高大宏伟的建筑物
    You can refer to a large impressive building as a pile, especially when it is the home of a rich important person.

    e.g. ...some stately pile in the country.

8. (房屋和桥梁的)桩,桩柱
    Piles are wooden, concrete, or metal posts which are pushed into the ground and on which buildings or bridges are built. Piles are often used in very wet areas so that the buildings do not flood.

    e.g. ...settlements of wooden houses, set on piles along the shore.

9. 痔疮
    Piles are painful swellings that can appear in the veins inside a person's anus.


10. (地毯或织物的)绒面,绒毛,绒头
      The pile of a carpet or of a fabric such as velvet is its soft surface. It consists of a lot of little threads standing on end.

      e.g. ...the carpet's thick pile.

11. 处于(社会或某组织的)下层/上层
      Someone who is at the bottom of the pile is low down in society or low down in an organization. Someone who is at the top of the pile is high up in society or high up in an organization.


相关词组:pile up

pile 单语例句


1. His pile of gifts included new tires for his taxi, a business suit and a bottle of wine.

2. A person's experience is worth as much as a pile of thick books learned by heart.

3. But Chen warned that increasing car ownership will pile the pressure on the nation's oil supplies.

4. A man sleeps on a pile of watermelons in the central Indian city of Bhopal in this file photo.

5. Davis allegedly forced detainees into a pile " and jumped on " them, the charge sheet said.

6. Having a pile of cash and counting it until the hands cramp would be considered a welcome chore for most.

7. If a factory's products pile up, we know it is suicidal to churn out more of the same.

8. He bought a saxophone and a clarinet, then found a teacher in nearby Langfang city and bought a pile of music books.

9. The agency predicted the heaviest snow will come late evening and eventually pile up between 25 and 38 cm.

10. Some traders use cold storage to pile up stocks, and sell when the prices are high enough.

pile 英英释义


1. a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy

    Synonym: atomic pileatomic reactorchain reactor

2. the yarn (as in a rug or velvet or corduroy) that stands up from the weave

    e.g. for uniform color and texture tailors cut velvet with the pile running the same direction

    Synonym: nap

3. a column of wood or steel or concrete that is driven into the ground to provide support for a structure

    Synonym: spilepilingstilt

4. battery consisting of voltaic cells arranged in series
    the earliest electric battery devised by Volta

    Synonym: voltaic pilegalvanic pile

5. fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs)

    Synonym: down

6. a collection of objects laid on top of each other

    Synonym: heapmoundagglomeratecumulationcumulus

7. a large sum of money (especially as pay or profit)

    e.g. she made a bundle selling real estate
           they sank megabucks into their new house

    Synonym: bundlebig bucksmegabucksbig money

8. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent

    e.g. a batch of letters
           a deal of trouble
           a lot of money
           he made a mint on the stock market
           see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos
           it must have cost plenty
           a slew of journalists
           a wad of money

    Synonym: batchdealflockgood dealgreat dealhatfulheaplotmassmessmicklemintmountainmucklepasselpeckplentypotquite a littleraftsightslewspatestacktidy sumwad


1. place or lay as if in a pile

    e.g. The teacher piled work on the students until the parents protested

2. arrange in stacks

    e.g. heap firewood around the fireplace
           stack your books up on the shelves

    Synonym: stackheap

3. press tightly together or cram

    e.g. The crowd packed the auditorium

    Synonym: throngmobpackjam

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