
boom是什么意思 boom在线翻译 boom什么意思 boom的意思 boom的翻译 boom的解释 boom的发音 boom的同义词 boom的反义词 boom的例句 boom的相关词组

boom [bu:m]  [bum] 


boom 基本解释

不及物动词发出隆隆声; 快速发展; 暴涨

及物动词以低沉而有回响的声音发出; 使繁荣; 使迅速发展

名词繁荣; 激增; 隆隆声

boom 相关例句


1. Foreign investments boomed the city.


1. boom的意思

1. Our teacher boomed out his answer.

2. Business is booming.


1. The booms kept the logs from flowing away.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The long boom of the crane functions like our arms.

boom 网络解释

1. 摄影机托架:摄影机托架 (BOOM) 一种类似起重机的活动装置,可让摄影机移入或越过场景,由不同的高度或角度连续拍摄单一动作或整段影片,使画面显得流畅而富于变化.

2. 臂:▲垂直轴(COLUMM)旋转配全重负荷轴承以手动方式或电动方式(OPTION)调整. ▲垂直轴(COLUMM) 采AC MOTOR传动,配合滚珠紧迫滑轨,重型链条带动升降,并有安全装置防止链条断裂. ▲水平臂(BOOM) 采DC MOTOR传动,配合精密轴、承移动平稳.

3. 横杆:小心解开主帆帆底,将帆底由帆尾角至帆前缘角方向依次小心导入横杆(Boom)的固定槽内,并随时检查主帆是否与其他帆索具缠绕在一起. 前侧行使(Close reach)帆放出1∕4(22.5度)正侧行使(Beam reach)帆放出1∕2(45度)后侧行使(Broad reach)帆放出3∕4(67.5度)

4. boom:build operate own maintain; 建造

boom 词典解释

1. (经济的)繁荣,景气
    If there is a boom in the economy, there is an increase in economic activity, for example in the amount of things that are being bought and sold.

    e.g. An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction...
    e.g. The 1980s were indeed boom years.

2. (数量的)增长;(频率的)加快;成功
    A boom in something is an increase in its amount, frequency, or success.

    e.g. The boom in the sport's popularity has meant more calls for stricter safety regulations...
    e.g. Public transport has not been able to cope adequately with the travel boom.

3. (经济或生意)景气,繁荣
    If the economy or a business is booming, the amount of things being bought or sold is increasing.

    e.g. By 1988 the economy was booming...
    e.g. Sales are booming...

4. (船帆的)下桁;帆桁
    On a boat, the boom is the long pole which is attached to the bottom of the sail and to the mast and which you move when you want to alter the direction in which you are sailing.

5. 浮木挡栅,水栅(用来阻挡溢出的油扩散)
    A boom is a large floating barrier that is used for stopping oil that has spilled from spreading.

6. (人)吼叫;(大炮或大鼓)发隆隆声
    When something such as someone's voice, a cannon, or a big drum booms, it makes a loud, deep sound that lasts for several seconds.

    e.g. 'Ladies,' boomed Helena, without a microphone, 'we all know why we're here tonight.'...
    e.g. Thunder boomed like battlefield cannons over Crooked Mountain.

7. -> see baby boom

相关词组:boom out

boom 单语例句

1. " The free boom shows the diversified business models in the Chinese online game market, " IDC said in a Tuesday report.

2. The government has been trying to slow the economy to prevent its boom from becoming a speculative bubble that turns to a bust.

3. Even if China's economy does gain steady momentum later this year, it will by no means signal an immediate return to a new boom.

4. That c ould spell another tough year for equipment vendors, which have been counting on an investment boom to take up some slack.

5. Beijing has also long complained to Canberra about the escalating prices Chinese manufacturers are being charged for Australian raw materials during the mining boom.

6. These areas have since been leading China's export boom and were the first firms to receive foreign capital and technology.

7. Gao urged local governments to diversify fundraising channels and encourage private capital to invest in water conservation projects to support the country's water conservation boom.

8. The central bank has increased interest rates and banks'reserve deposits to control the capital economy boom.

9. On the other hand, more Koreans came to capitalize on China's boom.

10. Besides the Internet boom, car sales in China also boosted the Website's revenue.

boom 英英释义


1. any of various more-or-less horizontal spars or poles used to extend the foot of a sail or for handling cargo or in mooring

2. a pole carrying an overhead microphone projected over a film or tv set

    Synonym: microphone boom

3. a deep prolonged loud noise

    Synonym: roarroaringthunder

4. a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money)

    e.g. the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line

    Synonym: bonanzagold rushgravygodsendmanna from heavenwindfallbunce

5. a state of economic prosperity


1. grow vigorously

    e.g. The deer population in this town is thriving
           business is booming

    Synonym: thriveflourishexpand

2. hit hard

    e.g. He smashed a 3-run homer

    Synonym: smashnailblast

3. make a deep hollow sound

    e.g. Her voice booms out the words of the song

    Synonym: boom out

4. make a resonant sound, like artillery

    e.g. His deep voice boomed through the hall

    Synonym: din

5. be the case that thunder is being heard

    e.g. Whenever it thunders, my dog crawls under the bed

    Synonym: thunder

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