
wind是什么意思 wind在线翻译 wind什么意思 wind的意思 wind的翻译 wind的解释 wind的发音 wind的同义词 wind的反义词 wind的例句 wind的相关词组

wind [wɪnd; (for v.) waɪnd]  [wɪnd; (for v.) waɪnd] 

第三人称单数:winds第三人称复数:winds现在分词:winding过去分词:wound; winded过去式:wound; winded

wind 基本解释

名词风; 气流; 吞下的气; 管乐器

及物动词蜿蜒; 缠绕; 上发条; 使喘不过气来


wind 同义词

wind 反义词


wind 相关词组

1. break wind : 放屁;

wind 相关例句


1. Tom wound his clock before he went to bed.

2. I was winded when I got to the top of the hill.


1. The stream winds through the village.


1. She paused for wind after climbing those stairs.

2. A cold wind blew from northwest.

wind 网络解释

1. wind的意思

1. (风力):利用可持续发展能源(Sustainable Energy): 诸如太阳能(Solar),风力(wind),生物能(Biomass),地热(Geothermal),氢燃料(Hydrogen Fuel Cells)等等. 这个个人实现比较困难,需要政府的大力支持才行.

2. 管乐器:从物理特性上来说,管乐器(wind)、弦乐器(string)、长笛(flute)等可以用一维PDE来描述,鼓(drum)、锣(gong)、钹(cymbal)等可以用二维PDE来描述. 由于它可以精确地描述物体的发声及其发声过程,精确地再现乐器的基波、高次谐波、非谐波以及ASDR过程,

3. 阵风:有的学生通过亲眼看见教室里或者建筑物的窗户或者借助图片媒介,把图片和读音联系在一起才能牢记单词,有的学生则用手指在天空中比画出一个窗户形状就能记住单词,有的学生通过头脑中构想一幅图画:一阵风(wind)从圆型的窗口(o)吹过,

4. wind:weather information network and display; 气象情报网及显示

wind 词典解释



    A wind is a current of air that is moving across the earth's surface.

    e.g. There was a strong wind blowing...
    e.g. Then the wind dropped and the surface of the sea was still...

3. (影响事件的)趋势(或因素)(常作新闻用语)
    Journalists often refer to a trend or factor that influences events as a wind of a particular kind.

    e.g. The winds of change are blowing across the country...
    e.g. The world's entire aerospace industry is feeling the chill winds of recession.

4. 使气急;使呼吸困难
    If you are winded by something such as a blow, the air is suddenly knocked out of your lungs so that you have difficulty breathing for a short time.

    e.g. He was winded and shaken...
    e.g. The cow stamped on his side, winding him.

5. (胃肠中的)气
    Wind is the air that you sometimes swallow with food or drink, or gas that is produced in your intestines, which causes an uncomfortable feeling.

6. 给(婴儿)拍嗝儿
    If you wind a baby, you hit its back gently in order to help it to release air from its stomach.

    e.g. If he cries when you put him down after a feed, try winding him.

in AM, use 美国英语用 burp

7. 管乐的
    The wind section of an orchestra or band is the group of people who produce musical sounds by blowing into their instruments.

8. 放屁
    If someone breaks wind, they release gas from their intestines through their anus.

9. 听到…的风声
    If you get wind of something, you hear about it, especially when someone else did not want you to know about it.


    e.g. I don't want the public, and especially not the press, to get wind of it at this stage.

10. 可能发生
      If something is in the wind, it is likely to happen.


      e.g. By the mid-1980s, change was in the wind again.

11. 吓唬;使焦虑
      If something or someone puts the wind up you, they frighten or worry you.

      e.g. 'I heard you had some funny phone calls.' — 'Yeah, that's why yours rather put the wind up me.'

12. 冒险做事(或说话)
      If you sail close to the wind, you take a risk by doing or saying something that may get you into trouble.

      e.g. Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.

13. 给…泼冷水(或当头一棒)
      If something takes the wind out of your sails, it suddenly makes you much less confident in what you are doing or saying.


14. 可能发生何事;事态的发展
      If you realize or find out which way the wind is blowing or how the wind is blowing, you realize or find out what is likely to happen, for example whether something is likely to succeed.


      e.g. He didn't like to make pronouncements before he was sure which way the wind was blowing.

15. to throw caution to the wind -> see caution


1. (道路、河流或一队人)蜿蜒向前,曲折而行,迂回
    If a road, river, or line of people winds in a particular direction, it goes in that direction with a lot of bends or twists in it.


    e.g. The Moselle winds through some 160 miles of tranquil countryside...
    e.g. The road winds uphill...

2. 卷绕;缠绕
    When you wind something flexible around something else, you wrap it around it several times.

    e.g. The horse jumped forwards and round her, winding the rope round her waist.

3. 给(钟表等)上发条;给…上弦
    When you wind a mechanical device, for example a watch or a clock, you turn a knob, key, or handle on it several times in order to make it operate.


    e.g. I still hadn't wound my watch so I didn't know the time.

4. 倒/进(磁带或胶卷)
    To wind a tape or film back or forward means to make it move towards its starting or ending position.

    e.g. The camcorder winds the tape back or forward at high speed.

相关词组:wind downwind up

wind 单语例句


1. China's wind energy resources represent a significant new energy business opportunity and are considered to be among the world's best.

2. He said Longyuan will expand its business in the US mainly by buying existing wind power plants and investing in its own projects.

3. However, it dropped by almost 10 degrees today accompanied by strong wind and rainfall.

4. Strong wind will make temperatures in northeastern regions fall by six to ten degrees Celsius on Sunday.

5. China's wind power industry has developed by leaps and bounds in recent years, boosted by the promulgation of the Renewable Energy Law in February 2005.

6. They are by nature a timid species - a whiff of strong wind or a squeak too loud will frighten them.

7. The proposed wind farm may even be located by the East China Sea Bridge to fuel a new residential area to be constructed nearby.

8. The layers could have been laid down by water, wind or the buildup of volcanic ash.

9. The wind whistling by your ear and the spray and crunch of hitting the ground are things you experience by yourself.

10. The large dance performance Wind of Colorful Guizhou first staged in 2005 has become a calling card for the province.

wind 英英释义


1. the act of winding or twisting

    e.g. he put the key in the old clock and gave it a good wind

    Synonym: windingtwist

2. breath

    e.g. the collision knocked the wind out of him

3. a reflex that expels intestinal gas through the anus

    Synonym: fartfartingflatusbreaking wind

4. a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by an enclosed column of air that is moved by the breath

    Synonym: wind instrument

5. an indication of potential opportunity

    e.g. he got a tip on the stock market
           a good lead for a job

    Synonym: tipleadsteerconfidential informationhint

6. empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk

    e.g. that's a lot of wind
           don't give me any of that jazz

    Synonym: malarkeymalarkyidle wordsjazznothingness

7. a tendency or force that influences events

    e.g. the winds of change

8. air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure

    e.g. trees bent under the fierce winds
           when there is no wind, row
           the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere

    Synonym: air currentcurrent of air


1. raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help

    e.g. hoist the bicycle onto the roof of the car

    Synonym: hoistlift

2. form into a wreath

    Synonym: wreathe

3. coil the spring of (some mechanical device) by turning a stem

    e.g. wind your watch

    Synonym: wind up

4. arrange or or coil around

    e.g. roll your hair around your finger
           Twine the thread around the spool
           She wrapped her arms around the child

    Synonym: wraprolltwine

5. to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course

    e.g. the river winds through the hills
           the path meanders through the vineyards
           sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body

    Synonym: weavethreadmeanderwander

6. catch the scent of
    get wind of

    e.g. The dog nosed out the drugs

    Synonym: scentnose

7. extend in curves and turns

    e.g. The road winds around the lake
           the path twisted through the forest

    Synonym: twistcurve

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