
meander是什么意思 meander在线翻译 meander什么意思 meander的意思 meander的翻译 meander的解释 meander的发音 meander的同义词 meander的反义词

meander [miˈændə(r)]  [miˈændɚ] 


meander 基本解释

不及物动词漫谈; (指溪流、河流等)蜿蜒而流; 闲逛,无目的地走动

名词曲径; 迂回曲折的旅程

meander 相关例句


1. A brook meanders through the meadow.

meander 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 曲流:[6] 曲流(meander) 在边滩发育的河床上,若边滩下移的速度较慢,边滩间的河岸受到冲刷,形成一定曲率的凹岸.凹岸的形成又加强了弯道的环流.环流淘刷凹岸,又把泥沙带至凸岸边滩淤积,使河曲 发生蠕移.当弯道曲率发展到一定程度时,

2. 我和她在蜿蜒的小河边散步--蜿蜒地流;漫步:6) Euthanasia:欧洲比亚洲早实行安乐死--安乐死 | 7) Meander:我和她在蜿蜒的小河边散步--蜿蜒地流;漫步 | 8) Tenant:十只蚂蚁找家--房客

3. 河曲:confluent 汇合点 | meander 河曲 | canal 运河

4. (曲折):iceberg (冰山) | meander (曲折) | tributary (支流)

meander 词典解释

1. (河流、道路)蜿蜒而行,迂回曲折
    If a river or road meanders, it has a lot of bends, rather than going in a straight line from one place to another.

    e.g. ...roads that meandered round the edges of the fields...
    e.g. A rural single railway track meanders through the valley...

2. 河曲;河湾
    A meander is a large bend in a river.

3. 漫步;闲荡;信步
    If you meander somewhere, you move slowly and not in a straight line.


    e.g. We meandered through a landscape of mountains, rivers, and vineyards...
    e.g. It's so restful to meander along Irish country roads.

4. 漫谈;闲聊;(文章)结构松散
    If a speech, account, or piece of writing meanders, it seems to move from one topic to another without any order or purpose.


    e.g. His talk appears to meander but by the end focuses attention on the true state of affairs.
    e.g. ...a rich and meandering novel.

meander 单语例句

1. It's set to including dancing and a host of colourful floats that will meander their way through the park.

2. A special coach allows you to meander through groups of tigers and appreciate the adventurous and exciting scenes.

3. Then I meander down the street and see an old woman walking a dog that is wearing a pink knitted sweater with matching doggy booties.

4. Mountain springs meander down from the mountaintop, adding more tranquility here.

5. It takes most of a day to systematically meander by foot, or half a day to investigate by bike.

6. Stretches of the ancient Great Wall meander through its northern mountains, still standing after centuries and the 1976 disaster.

7. Let life meander a bit while you shore up everything you think is necessary.

8. Meander around the Temple of Literature before lunch at Dac Kim for bun cha, the grilled pork noodles.

meander 英英释义



1. an aimless amble on a winding course

    Synonym: ramble

2. a bend or curve, as in a stream or river


1. to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course

    e.g. the river winds through the hills
           the path meanders through the vineyards
           sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body

    Synonym: weavewindthreadwander

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