
mole是什么意思 mole在线翻译 mole什么意思 mole的意思 mole的翻译 mole的解释 mole的发音 mole的同义词 mole的反义词 mole的例句 mole的相关词组

mole [məʊl]  [moʊl] 


mole 基本解释


名词鼹鼠; 痣; 间谍; 防波堤

mole 相关例句


1. The girl has a tiny mole on her cheek.

2. Moles stay underground most of the time.

3. Old men sat along the mole and fished.

mole 网络解释

1. 摩尔:14 由於 1 摩尔(mole)的任何气体在标准温度及压力(fats)及蛋白质(proteins)作为燃料来重新合ATP,以1 摩尔ATP 平均可产生10 千卡(kcal)能量计算,英哩)可以用上近150 摩尔(mole)的ATP(约每分钟1即机体的摄氧量进入稳定状态(s

2. 胎块:由於时间、篇幅及自己才智的有限,仍有许多问题还没讨论到,未来有机会可以更深入研讨:胎块(mole)算不算人?部份无脑儿(meroanencephaly)算不算人?人工无性产生细胞放入子宫可能发展成复制人,这种细胞算不算人?堕胎的方式,

3. 黑痣:原来我有一样非常绝秘的东西藏在了鼹鼠(mole)的黑痣(mole)里,为了确保安全,又把鼹鼠(mole)藏在了防波堤(mole)里,谁想到这个间谍(mole)的手段高超,竟然用大型挖掘机(mole)找到了这个鼹鼠(mole)并把他黑痣(mole)里的绝秘东西偷走了.

mole 词典解释

1. 痣;痦子
    A mole is a natural dark spot or small dark lump on someone's skin.

2. 鼹鼠
    A mole is a small animal with black fur that lives underground.

3. 间谍;卧底;内奸
    A mole is a member of a government or other organization who gives secret information to the press or to a rival organization.

    e.g. He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.

mole 单语例句

1. CNN's Anderson Cooper was back at work Wednesday after minor surgery two days earlier to remove a cancerous mole from underneath his left eye.

2. I wonder if she is a mole sent by Jackie Chan and his cronies from The Disciple to mentally degrade me.

3. Mantilla was preparing for the 2006 season when doctors diagnosed skin cancer in a mole on his back.

4. " Mole is a complex Mexican sauce that needs to be cooked for many hours, " said chef Gabriela.

5. I quipped back that I would rather think of myself as a classical liberal mole among the conspirators.

6. Playing a cop uneasy with his undercover assignment as a mole within the mob, he is the emotional heart of the movie.

mole 英英释义


1. small velvety-furred burrowing mammal having small eyes and fossorial forefeet

2. a protective structure of stone or concrete
    extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away

    Synonym: breakwatergroingroynebulwarkseawalljetty

3. a small congenital pigmented spot on the skin

4. spicy sauce often containing chocolate

5. a spy who works against enemy espionage

    Synonym: counterspy

6. the molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams
    the basic unit of amount of substance adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites

    Synonym: gram moleculemol

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