
dent是什么意思 dent在线翻译 dent什么意思 dent的意思 dent的翻译 dent的解释 dent的发音 dent的同义词 dent的反义词 dent的例句 dent的相关词组

dent [dent]  [dɛnt] 


dent 基本解释


名词凹痕,凹部; 齿; 减少,削弱; [名]登特

及物动词削弱; 使产生凹痕; 打击,破坏; 产生不好的影响

不及物动词削减; 出现凹痕; 产生凹陷; 凹进去

dent 相关例句


1. Tin dents more easily than steel.

dent 网络解释

1. 凹痕:还预计到当时的风向(强烈阵风)会让那些没头没脑的文明呆子,在下车开车门的刹那,gust 由后往前吹时,车门就会以张满帆的速度强烈的猛撞上您的爱车,轻则造成难看的凹痕(dent),重则刮伤(scratch)车身并露出底漆,

2. dent的解释

2. 凹陷:我是新手:L在停车场把别人的车刮伤了,把前保险杠上刮掉了些漆,没有凹陷(dent)是表面伤. 我在对方车上留了一个sticker写非常抱歉并留下了我的名字和电话. 真的觉得很抱歉......一天加一整晚都没有接到车主的电话,我就纳闷,

3. dent的解释

3. 牙:不重要的--三姑六婆所关心的事 virose 有毒的--六朵玫瑰,有毒的玫瑰 virus 病毒--六朵(vi)美国(us)的花(r) evident 明显的--六(vi)颗牙(dent)都露出来(e)了->明显的;

4. 压痕:angular offset 角度偏差 | dent 压痕 | scratch 刮伤

dent 词典解释

1. 使凹陷;使产生凹痕
    If you dent the surface of something, you make a hollow area in it by hitting or pressing it.

    e.g. A great chunk of loose kerbing smashed into my left-front wheel, bursting the tyre and denting the rim...
    e.g. Its brass feet dented the carpet's thick pile.

Watch out for bargains, but never buy dented cans.

2. 凹痕;凹坑
    A dent is a hollow in the surface of something which has been caused by hitting or pressing it.

    e.g. There was a dent in the car which hadn't been there before.

3. 削减;削弱;损害
    If something dents your ideas or your pride, it makes you realize that your ideas are wrong, or that you are not as good or successful as you thought.

    e.g. This has not dented the City's enthusiasm for the company.
    e.g. After a while that sort of thing dents your confidence.

4. 削减;削弱
    If one thing makes a dent in another, it reduces it by a large amount.

    e.g. The commission had barely begun to make a dent in the problem...
    e.g. I hated to put any dents in his enthusiasm, but I was trying to be realistic.

dent 单语例句

1. I tried to call his attention back to the dent, but he was unimpressed.

2. Unchecked growth in car sales will not only entrench China's growing dependence on foreign oil but will also significantly dent its pollution combat initiative.

3. The series of IPCC reports made a big dent in the credibility of lingering skepticism about the link between human activity and global warming.

4. Airport staff brought fuel to the disabled plane, which sustained a dent when one of the wings clipped a mile marker sign.

5. Insiders said the cut would put a dent on many firms'profitability and even close down some which are relying heavily on exports.

6. The situation can dent the confidence of consumers and make them tighten their purse strings.

7. But he warned that the tension could still dent consumer spending with a key sentiment measure due on Friday.

8. Ministry of Agriculture official Wang said he believed the current drought would not make a significant dent in the country's grain production.

9. We might not have seen the current dent in the price curve if not for the emergency measures taken in the past months.

10. Tommy Haas and Taylor Dent advanced to the second round with easy wins.

dent 英英释义



1. an impression in a surface (as made by a blow)

    Synonym: dinggougenick

2. an appreciable consequence (especially a lessening)

    e.g. it made a dent in my bank account

3. a depression scratched or carved into a surface

    Synonym: incisionscratchprickslit


1. make a depression into

    e.g. The bicycle dented my car

    Synonym: indent

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