
quality是什么意思 quality在线翻译 quality什么意思 quality的意思 quality的翻译 quality的解释 quality的发音 quality的同义词 quality的反义词

quality [ˈkwɒləti]  [ˈkwɑ:ləti] 


quality 基本解释

名词质量,品质; 美质,优点; 才能,能力,技能,素养; 品种

形容词优质的,高质量的; 上流社会的

quality 同义词


quality 反义词


quality 相关例句


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1. These shoes are made of quality leather.


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1. This new model is of high quality and is not expensive either.

2. Modesty is one of his good qualities.

3. One quality of wood is that it can burn.

4. quality

4. He examined the quality of the furniture carefully.

quality 情景对话


A:Did the material work out well for you ?


B:Not really .

A:What was wrong?


B:We felt that the price was too high for the quality .


A:I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.


B:well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high.


A:Let's meet each other half way.

Quality Control-(品管)

A:We're having some quality-control problems, Jim. We need to go to the source to work them out.

B:What problems are you having, exactly?

A:The complaint rate for our new product line is very high, almost seven percent.

B:That's high.

A:Yes. We keep finding problems when testing the boards.

B:But your promotional materials claim the boards are the least expensive of their type on the market.


A:The least expensive, but still fully functional. And we think that your factory needs to take measures to improve quality control.

B:That will involve additional expenses for us, which we'll have to pass on to you as a rate hike.


A:I'm afraid that's unacceptable. Your contract says that you will deliver a product with a reject rate of less than five percent.

B:Well, I'll tell you what, Mike. I'll review the contract and talk with management. Then we'll get together and hash this out.

quality 网络解释

1. 性质:他说自恋不是由本能或力比多投注的"标的"(target)来界定,而是由本能或力比多所带能量的"本性"(nature)或"性质"(quality)来界定(1971,p.26). 自我夸耀(self-aggrandizement)和理想化是自恋性力比多的特征. 到了1977年,

quality 词典解释

1. 质量;品质
    The quality of something is how good or bad it is.

    e.g. Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life...
    e.g. Other services vary dramatically in quality.

2. 优质;高级
    Something of quality is of a high standard.

    e.g. ...a college of quality...
    e.g. In our work, quality is paramount.

3. 优秀品质;品德
    Someone's qualities are the good characteristics that they have which are part of their nature.


    e.g. Sometimes you wonder where your kids get their good qualities...
    e.g. He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities...

4. 特征;性质;特性
    You can describe a particular characteristic of a person or thing as a quality .

    e.g. ...a childlike quality.
    e.g. ...the pretentious quality of the poetry...

5. 内容严肃的报纸
    The quality papers or the quality press are the more serious newspapers which give detailed accounts of world events, as well as reports on business, culture, and society.

    e.g. Even the quality papers agreed that it was a triumph.

quality 单语例句

1. Consumers should form stronger organizations to press business to pay more attention to product and service quality.

2. These people should realize that the more counterfeit goods they buy, the less room quality national and multinational manufacturers have to establish their brands.

3. A number of customers said they would continue buying the firm's products as long as there were no quality issues.

4. He was mainly responsible for buying and quality control before she took over the job.

5. Bergen was buzzing with quality musicians and diverse music scene and it was here she planted her roots.

6. The study found that female perceptions of good dance quality were influenced most greatly by large and varied movements involving the neck and trunk.

7. Tao also confessed that she had been highly impressed by the quality of the faculty members supporting the course.

8. There's an obsessive quality to it that I thought I would've grown out of by now.

9. Biao Li Ru Yi means " to act and think the same way ", and it sums up the restaurant's commitment of quality and service to patrons.

10. The speed and quality of a country's development is decided by whether the rights of the poor can be guaranteed.

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