
mark是什么意思 mark在线翻译 mark什么意思 mark的意思 mark的翻译 mark的解释 mark的发音 mark的同义词 mark的反义词 mark的例句 mark的相关词组

mark [mɑ:k]  [mɑ:rk] 


mark 基本解释

名词记号; 斑点; 成绩; 标准

及物动词作记号; 表示; 给…打分; 在…留下痕迹

不及物动词评分; 注意; (比赛中)记分

mark 相关词组


1. mark out : 规划, 使注定要;

2. mark down : 记下;

3. mark up : 把...标出, 标高价格;

4. mark off : 划出;

5. mark out for : 使注定要;

6. up to the mark : 达到标准;

7. mark time : 踏步, 停顿不前;

8. hit the mark : 达到目的;

9. toe the mark : 用脚尖踏在起跑线上, 遵守规则, 符合标准;

10. beyond the mark : 越界, 过度;

11. miss the mark : 没打中目标, 没达到目的;

12. have a mark on : 喜欢, 爱好;

13. over the mark : 超过限度;

14. make one's mark : 留下深远影响;

15. overshoot the mark : 言过其实;

mark 相关例句


1. He looked at the clock. It marked two.

2. A smile marked her happiness.

3. Mark carefully how it is done.


1. You can see in him the marks of an educated man.

2. Put a question mark at the end of that sentence.

mark 网络解释

1. mark是什么意思

1. 标志:UL 标志(MARK)使用新规定UL 於 2003 年 1月 31 日公告,自 2003年3月 31 日开始,使用印有 UL 标志 (Mark) 的标签请向有 UL PGAA 认证的供应商购得. 若工厂自己印,再用在自己的 UL 产品上,则不受此项规定的限制. 此为 UL 新的强制规定.

2. mark:m; 标记

mark 词典解释

1. 斑点;污点;污迹
    A mark is a small area of something such as dirt that has accidentally got onto a surface or piece of clothing.

    e.g. The dogs are always rubbing against the wall and making dirty marks...
    e.g. A properly fitting bra should never leave red marks.

2. (使)留下印迹;(使)留下污痕
    If something marks a surface, or if the surface marks, the surface is damaged by marks or a mark.

    e.g. Leather overshoes were put on the horses' hooves to stop them marking the turf...
    e.g. I have to be more careful with the work tops, as wood marks easily.

3. 记号;符号
    A mark is a written or printed symbol, for example a letter of the alphabet.

    e.g. He made marks with a pencil.

4. 标示;为…作记号;为…作标记
    If you mark something with a particular word or symbol, you write that word or symbol on it.

    e.g. The bank marks the check 'certified'...
    e.g. Mark the frame with your postcode...

5. (考试或竞赛的)成绩,分数
    A mark is a point that is given for a correct answer or for doing something well in an exam or competition. A mark can also be a written symbol such as a letter that indicates how good a student's or competitor's work or performance is.

    e.g. ...a simple scoring device of marks out of 10, where '1' equates to 'Very poor performance'...
    e.g. Candidates who answered 'b' could be awarded half marks for demonstrating some understanding of the process...

6. 评价
    If someone gets good or high marks for doing something, they have done it well. If they get poor or low marks, they have done it badly.


    e.g. You have to give her top marks for moral guts...
    e.g. His administration has earned low marks for its economic policies.

7. 给(作业)评分(或打分)
    When a teacher marks a student's work, the teacher decides how good it is and writes a number or letter on it to indicate this opinion.


    e.g. He was marking essays in his small study.

For the rest of the lunchbreak I do my marking.

8. (重要的)标准,指标
    A particular mark is a particular number, point, or stage which has been reached or might be reached, especially a significant one.


    e.g. Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark.

9. 特征;特色
    The mark of something is the characteristic feature that enables you to recognize it.

    e.g. The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members.

10. (品质、情感、情景的)标志,表现,迹象
      If you say that a type of behaviour or an event is a mark of a particular quality, feeling, or situation, you mean it shows that that quality, feeling, or situation exists.

      e.g. It was a mark of his unfamiliarity with Hollywood that he didn't understand that an agent was paid out of his client's share...
      e.g. Shopkeepers closed their shutters as a mark of respect.

11. 标明(方位);标示
      If something marks a place or position, it shows where something else is or where it used to be.

      e.g. A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened.
      e.g. ...the river which marks the border with Thailand.

12. 标志;意味着;是…的征兆
      An event that marks a particular stage or point is a sign that something different is about to happen.


      e.g. The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period in European history...
      e.g. That programme received critical acclaim and marked a turning point in Sonita's career.

13. 纪念;庆祝
      If you do something to mark an event or occasion, you do it to show that you are aware of the importance of the event or occasion.

      e.g. The four new stamps mark the 100th anniversary of the British Astronomical Association...
      e.g. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to mark the occasion.

14. 是…的特色;是…的典型特征
      If a particular quality or feature marks something, it is a quality or feature which that thing typically has.


      e.g. Tragedy has marked Wilmette's life...
      e.g. The style is marked by simplicity, clarity, and candor.

15. 将…归为;把…列为;给…确定性质
      Something that marks someone as a particular type of person indicates that they are that type of person.


      e.g. Her opposition to abortion and feminism mark her as a convinced traditionalist.

16. (团队比赛中)盯住(对方球员)
      In a team game, when a defender is marking an attacker, they are trying to stay close to the attacker and prevent them from getting the ball.


      e.g. ...Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand, who so effectively marked Michael Owen.

in AM, use 美国英语用 guard, cover
They had stopped Ecuador from building up attacks with good marking.

17. 马克(德国使用欧元之前的货币单位)
      The mark was the unit of money used in Germany before it was replaced by the euro.


      e.g. The government gave 30 million marks for new school books.

18. (煤气炉上表示温度的)刻度,挡
      Mark is used before a number to indicate a particular temperature level in a gas oven.

      e.g. Set the oven at gas mark 4.

19. (汽车、机器、设备等的)型,式
      Mark is used before a number to indicate a particular version or model of a vehicle, machine, or device.


      e.g. ...his Mark II Ford Cortina.

20. see also: marked;marking;black mark;check mark;exclamation mark;full marks;high-water mark;punctuation mark;question mark;scuff mark;stretch marks

21. 留下深刻的印记;留下深远的影响
      If someone or something leaves their mark or leaves a mark, they have a lasting effect on another person or thing.

      e.g. Years of conditioning had left their mark on her, and she never felt inclined to talk to strange men.

22. 成就不凡;获得名望;成名
      If you make your mark or make a mark, you become noticed or famous by doing something impressive or unusual.


      e.g. She made her mark in the film industry in the 1960s.

23. (理解力或反应)敏捷的/迟钝的,灵敏的/缓慢的
      If you are quick off the mark, you are quick to understand or respond to something. If you are slow off the mark, you are slow to understand or respond to something.

24. 各就各位
      On your marks in British English, or on your mark in American English, is a command given to runners at the beginning of a race in order to get them into the correct position to start.

      e.g. On your marks—get set—go!

25. 不正确;不得要领;不够贴切/完全正确;切中要害;十分贴切
      If something is off the mark, it is inaccurate or incorrect. If it is on the mark, it is accurate or correct.

      e.g. Robinson didn't think the story was so far off the mark...
      e.g. He's right on the mark about movies being out of step with American culture.

26. 达到标准;符合要求
      If something is up to the mark, it is good enough.


      e.g. The workers get rid of those whose work is not up to the mark.

27. 离谱;大错特错
      If something such as a claim or estimate is wide of the mark, it is incorrect or inaccurate.

      e.g. That comparison isn't as wide of the mark as it seems.

28. 你听着(表示强调)
      You can say mark you to emphasize and draw attention to something you have just said.

      e.g. We're not extremists, mark you.

29. to overstep the mark -> see overstep
      mark my words -> see word

相关词组:mark downmark offmark outmark up

mark 单语例句


1. Guangdong police announced on Friday they recently busted a major underground Mark 6 gambling operation in the city of Yunfu.

2. For each stage of the race, a yellow paint mark was stamped on the buttocks of the leading race horses.

3. One Foundation will act as a rival to or mark of reference for the charity foundations attached to government departments.

4. One of the world's most daring is an English thrill seeker by the name of Mark Roberts.

5. People saw Cage's friend David Tudor sit at the piano and mark the beginning of the piece by closing the keyboard lid.

6. NBA spokesman Mark Broussard confirmed Stern had received the letter and said it would be discussed by team owners April 20.

7. Ordinary people still mark the occasion by presenting mooncakes to the elderly as tradition demands.

8. If that turns out to be the case, it would mark the first annual decline by such " advanced economies " since World War II.

9. The Italian Soccer Federation has suspended Sunday's Serie B and C games as a mark of respect and to defuse any remaining tension.

10. But Australian Sports Minister Mark Arbib was unimpressed, becoming the latest foreign government official to call for change at FIFA.

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