
disembarked是什么意思 disembarked在线翻译 disembarked什么意思 disembarked的意思 disembarked的翻译 disembarked的解释 disembarked的发音



disembarked 基本解释

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disembarked 网络解释

1. disembarked什么意思

1. 落机:客舱驾驶舱cabin | 落机disembarked | 对混乱表示抱歉和遗憾apologised and regretted the chaos

disembarked 双语例句

1. disembarked的近义词

1. Canal wheelsman disembarked.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. But I decided not to buy anything until I had disembarked.

3. But I decide not to buy anything until I had disembarked.

4. Max said to him, I no longer had disembarked.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. They had disembarked on the island, and it was almost impossible to get at the five who survived.

6. disembarked的反义词

6. He said Max, I no longer had disembarked.

7. disembarked

7. They disembarked from their plane at Shanghai.

8. He disembarked from the bark bark.

9. disembarked

9. The boat shot out of the harbor like a bird and the next morning Franz disembarked at Porto-Ferrajo.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. COSCO Shipping Co., Ltd. Quanzhou金欣responsible person, white luggage, the luggage than people first landed, passengers disembarked on the card can re-claim their baggage, it is convenient, not easy to get wrong.

11. These tourists has been displeased, some with fever but was not aided by the airlines officer, some went to see doctor right after they disembarked. MAS manager has admitted of this shortcoming and prepared some perks for the tourists, however, none of the tourist can accept the situation or the perks. MAS official has indicated that they will give a satisfactory explanation within a week

12. disembarked的近义词

12. As they disembarked from the warships, each of the three with Nabban's golden kingfisher on its sail, the crowd at wharfside oohed appreciatively.

13. Unger disembarked, hurried past the spellbound, the agape, the fearsome eyes of the twelve men of Fish, mounted into a buggy which had obviously appeared from nowhere, and drove away.

14. When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and he cured their sick.

15. Days after Mr. Abe started his first, short-lived term as prime minister in 2006, Mrs. Abe surprised the public by holding her husband's hand as they disembarked the plane on his first overseas trip.

16. Half the passengers disembarked at cherbourg.

17. We were both sick on the journey and a fine drizzle met us as we disembarked.

18. disembarked什么意思

18. All the sailors disembarked from the vessel and went to town.

19. disembarked在线翻译

19. The passengers disembarked at the ocean terminal.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. The viscount disembarked its passagers at the airport.

disembarked 单语例句

1. The plane landed with no problems and the Fire Service followed it off the runway to make sure all people disembarked safely.

2. One person had disembarked to tie the mooring rope and thus escaped injury.

3. " SAA's three daily flights to London landed this morning and passengers disembarked safely, " she told the South African Press Association.

4. Police told Wuhan Evening News four of the alleged smugglers were detained as they disembarked or tried to transfer to another train.

5. Two of them disembarked from the tricycle and walked toward the Chinese and his friend who accompanied him to the market.

6. After a brief conversation between Cruz and a flight attendant, the aircraft returned to the departure gate and she disembarked.

7. We took a ferry from Phuket and disembarked at the island's main pier.

8. They spent the night and part of Thursday morning interviewing McGill and more than 50 witnesses as shocked passengers disembarked.

9. However, it was not clear if any disembarked or got on during the journey.

10. After landing in the Yemeni capital, the passengers disembarked and those destined for Comoros switched planes.

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