
dissuade是什么意思 dissuade在线翻译 dissuade什么意思 dissuade的意思 dissuade的翻译 dissuade的解释 dissuade的发音 dissuade的同义词

dissuade [dɪˈsweɪd]  [dɪˈswed] 


dissuade 基本解释


及物动词劝阻; 劝止; 劝戒

dissuade 同义词

dissuade 反义词




dissuade 相关例句


1. He was easily dissuaded from going.

2. I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation.

3. The father dissuaded his son from leaving school.

dissuade 网络解释

1. 劝阻,阻止:dissonance 不协调,不调和 | dissuade 劝阻,阻止 | distant 遥远,远离的

2. 劝阻,劝正:dogger reporters: 记者狗仔队 | dissuade: 劝阻,劝正 | accompanying: 陪着

3. 全职:Hobby 业余爱好 | Dissuade 全职 | Forlorn 孤立无助的 凄凉的

dissuade 词典解释

1. 劝阻;劝(某人)不要做(或相信)
    If you dissuade someone from doing or believing something, you persuade them not to do or believe it.


    e.g. Doctors had tried to dissuade patients from smoking...
    e.g. She steadfastly maintained that her grandsons were innocent, and nothing could dissuade her from that belief...

dissuade 单语例句

1. Madonna said she was worried the firestorm of publicity that surrounded the adoption may dissuade other parents from adopting children from Africa.

2. In an effort to dissuade developers, the housing regulator has increased the cost of keeping land idle.

3. He said cases that are solved should be publicized to deter criminals and dissuade officials and business executives from engaging in illicit activity.

4. If there were dissenting voices trying to dissuade the protesters, they weren't taken seriously in the battle to protect cultural integrity.

5. The United States for a time tried to dissuade Russia from helping the project.

6. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged European members of the council against resorting to sanctions, saying punishment would not dissuade his country from pursuing its disputed nuclear program.

7. Higher export taxes will be imposed to dissuade companies from exporting goods that involve a high consumption of energy and cause serious pollution.

8. To dissuade people from driving and persuade them to take public transport, the government should study the psychology of motorists and take appropriate measures.

9. Wang falsely claimed to police his daughter had been sexually harassed by Xin after failing to dissuade him from continuing the relationship.

10. One of its purposes is to dissuade possible trade rows between the two countries through communications between Chinese and US enterprises.


dissuade 英英释义


1. turn away from by persuasion

    e.g. Negative campaigning will only dissuade people

    Synonym: deter

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