
double是什么意思 double在线翻译 double什么意思 double的意思 double的翻译 double的解释 double的发音 double的同义词 double的反义词 double的例句

double [ˈdʌbl]  [ˈdʌbəl] 


double 基本解释

形容词双的; 两倍的; 两面派的; 双人用的

及物动词使加倍; 把…对折; 重复

不及物动词加倍,加倍努力; 快步走

副词两倍地; 双重地

名词两倍; 双精度型

double 同义词

double 反义词


double 相关词组

1. double as : v. 兼饰两角;

2. double back : 把...对折;

3. on the double : 快速地;

4. at the double : 快步走;

double 相关例句


1. We used to ride double on Nancy's horse.


1. double

1. The population of Japan doubles that of Canada.


1. His income doubled in one year.


1. John is the double of his father.

double 情景对话


A:May I speak to Lin Lin,please?

B:There is no one here by that name.

A:Is this four-two-one double eight six-four?


B:No. This is four-two-one double eight three-five.

A:Oh. I'm sorry.

B:That's all right.


B:Can I help you?

A:Yes, do you have any rooms available?

B:A single?


A:No. I need a double and three triples. My family is waiting for me in the car.

B:Please fill out this fomp3, sir.

A:Ok…Here you are.

B:Here are your keys. Check out time is noon.

A:Is breakfast included?




A:Can I help you?

B:Wait a minute, please.


A:Have you made a reservation?


B:No, I’d like to book a singe room with one double bed.

A:How long will you be staying by us?


B:2 nights, how much soes it cost?
      2 晚,请问房价是多少?

A:A single room cost you $ 100 / day.

B:Dose the charge include everyting?



B:Do you require a deposit?

A:No, You can pay when you check out.

double 网络解释

1. 替身:现今,一些有兴趣的心理剧导演拓展替身(double)成为主角的助手;必要时可以让行动减速,并且让主角有更安全的感受. 现在修订将讨论这些新的发展,并加上有关心理剧及戏剧治疗相似与相异的一些想法.

2. 双精度型:3.4.2 双精度型(double)浮点型准记数法(Standard notation)由整数部分加小数点加小数部分组成. 例如2.0,3.14159,和0.6667 都是有效的标准记数法表示的浮点数字. 科学记数法(Scientific notation)是浮点数ddd 八进制字符(ddd)后部讨论).

double 词典解释

1. 双的;成双的;成对的
    You use double to indicate that something includes or is made of two things of the same kind.

    e.g. ...a pair of double doors into the room from the new entrance hall.
    e.g. ...a lone skier gliding along smooth double tracks.

2. (用于单数名词前)两个的,双重的
    You use double before a singular noun to refer to two things of the same type that occur together, or that are connected in some way.


    e.g. ...an extremely nasty double murder...
    e.g. The government committed a double blunder...

3. (数量、大小)两倍的,加倍的
    If something is double the amount or size of another thing, it is twice as large.

    e.g. The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was then getting...
    e.g. Leeds Prison is reported to have almost double the number of prisoners it's designed to accommodate.

4. 加倍的;双料的;可容纳两个的
    You use double to describe something which is twice the normal size or can hold twice the normal quantity of something.

    e.g. ...a double helping of ice cream.
    e.g. ...a large double garage...

5. (房间)双人的,供两人用的
    A double room is a room intended for two people, usually a couple, to stay or live in.


    e.g. ...bed and breakfast for £180 for two people in a double room.

6. (床)双人的
    A double bed is a bed that is wide enough for two people to sleep in.


7. (酒等饮料)双份的
    You use double to describe a drink that is twice the normal measure.

    e.g. He was drinking his double whiskey too fast and scowling.

8. (用于单词拼写或数字中)两个的
    Double is used when you are spelling a word or telling someone a number to show that a letter or digit is repeated.

    e.g. Ring four two double two double two if you'd like to speak to our financial adviser.
           如果想和我们的财务顾问通话,拨打 422222。

9. (使)加倍;(使)增加一倍
    When something doubles or when you double it, it becomes twice as great in number, amount, or size.


    e.g. The number of managers must double to 100 within 3 years...
           经理的人数在3年内必须翻倍达到 100人。
    e.g. The program will double the amount of money available to help pay for child care.

10. 酷似的人;极相似的人
    If you refer to someone as a person's double, you mean that they look exactly like them.


    e.g. Your mother sees you as her double.

11. 兼职;兼任;兼做
      If a person or thing doubles as someone or something else, they have a second job or purpose as well as their main one.


      e.g. ...a farmer who doubles as a night nurse...
      e.g. Lots of homes in town double as businesses.

12. (网球或羽毛球等的)双打
      In tennis or badminton, when people play doubles, two teams consisting of two players on each team play against each other on the same court.


13. 迅速;立即;马上
      If you do something at the double or on the double, you do it very quickly or immediately.


      e.g. Two soldiers entered at the double and saluted...
      e.g. Come to my office, please, at the double.

14. 弯腰;弓着身子
      When you bend double, you bend the top half of your body downwards a long way.


      e.g. There wasn't room to stand up and he had to bend double.

15. 弯腰的;弓着身子的
      If you are bent double, the top half of your body is bent downwards so that your head is close to your knees.


      e.g. Pickers are bent double, plucking each flower with lightning speed.

16. (眼花等时)看成重影
      If you are seeing double, there is something wrong with your eyes, and you can see two images instead of one.

      e.g. I was dizzy, seeing double.

17. in double figures -> see figure

相关词组:double backdouble up

double 单语例句


1. MetLife's international business contributed 12 percent to the company's revenue for 2007, with the growth rate almost double that of the firm's domestic business.

2. And China Post Logistics could double the business volume of its provincial subsidiaries.

3. Early this year SSL bought the other 50 percent share from Double Butterfly, turning the joint venture into a wholly controlled company.

4. Prepare loaf pan by buttering and papering with a double thickness of parchment paper.

5. " My guess is we'll double it in size by the Beijing Olympics " in 2008, Stern said.

6. Iran is often accused of abuses by rights groups and western governments, but Tehran dismisses the criticism and accuses the west of double standards and hypocrisy.

7. Even though they trailed by double digits against us, they came back and were very close in the late stages of the game.

8. American educators hope to double the number of students abroad by the end of the next decade.

9. The double attack is the sixth major terrorist action this month in the North African nation.

10. Today is the Double Ninth Day in the Chinese lunar calendar, an occasion for paying respects to the elderly.

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