
downsizing是什么意思 downsizing在线翻译 downsizing什么意思 downsizing的意思 downsizing的翻译 downsizing的解释 downsizing的发音 downsizing的同义词

downsizing ['daʊnsaɪzɪŋ]  ['daʊnsaɪzɪŋ] 


downsizing 基本解释

动词以较小尺寸设计(或制造),缩小(汽车等的)外部尺寸( downsize的现在分词 )

downsizing 相关例句


1. Downsizing the work forces is the better way to cut down the cost of production.

downsizing 网络解释

1. 精简:他是<<规模精简>>(Downsizing)与<<企业成长>>(Go for Growth)两本书的作者. 当企业缺乏能使其获得真正成长的想法时,它们就试图通过玩花招和修修补补来完成数字. 它们放大规模;它们进行不必要的升级换代;

2. 裁员:西方国家把裁员(Downsizing)称为企业减肥或企业瘦身,企业往往把裁员当作提高效率和竞争力的一个重要手段. 对雇员个体来说,从岗位上被裁下来是一件十分不幸的事情. 目前,世界各国还没有找到一个有效的办法来解决裁员问题,可以说,

3. 缩小化:通过将应用程序的开发和操作系统从昂贵的大型机转移到价格低廉且功能强大的工作站,以减少硬件和软件开发及操作所需的费用. 这就是客户/服务器计算模式产生的主要原因. 在全球一片规模缩小化(downsizing)和规模优化(rightsizing)的呼声中,人们的日常工作已由单一作坊

downsizing 单语例句


1. As the United States government is trying to put the country's financial house in order, there has been a rising call for the downsizing of banks.

2. Although many enterprises may be closed down in the crisis, some others may survive by saving cost and downsizing themselves.

3. The Chinese restaurant industry could be a darling for many venture capital investors downsizing in other industries because of the financial crisis.

4. Due to the international financial crisis, some banks are downsizing their loans for African countries.

5. They added local industry lacked the capacity to meet the demand the quotas would bring, given the massive downsizing and restructuring that had taken place in recent years.

6. Although 17 percent of the companies reported downsizing their payrolls in the second quarter, that figure is 5 percent lower than in the previous quarter.

7. Some multinational corporations'downsizing programs have already shrunken their ventures in China, including their local workers.

8. The research concluded the birds were likely downsizing because smaller bodies shed heat faster than larger ones.

9. China's fishery authorities yesterday pledged to continue downsizing the country's fishing fleet to help cap overfishing and preserve resources.

10. The government should therefore watch out for the SMEs and provide assistance if necessary to prevent them from folding or downsizing en masse.

downsizing 英英释义


1. the reduction of expenditures in order to become financially stable

    Synonym: retrenchmentcurtailment

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