
elaborate是什么意思 elaborate在线翻译 elaborate什么意思 elaborate的意思 elaborate的翻译 elaborate的解释 elaborate的发音 elaborate的同义词

elaborate [ɪˈlæbərət]  [ɪˈlæbəret] 


elaborate 基本解释


不及物动词详尽说明; 变得复杂

及物动词详细制定; 详尽阐述; [生理学]加工; 尽心竭力地做

形容词精心制作的; 精巧的; 复杂的; (结构)复杂的

elaborate 同义词

elaborate 反义词

elaborate 相关例句


1. elaborate的意思

1. She made elaborate preparations for the party, but no one showed up.

2. She made an elaborate study of Shakespeare's works.


1. Some of these points will be elaborated in the following chapter.

2. The chairman just wanted the facts; You don't need to elaborate on them.

elaborate 网络解释

1. 加工:.精细加工(elaborate) 通过仔细思考新信息来学习,并把新信息与旧信息建立起联系. .精细复述(elaborative rehearsal) 是一种学习策略,人们利用该策略对新信息进行仔细思考,并在新信息内部或在新信息与旧信息之间建立起联系.

2. 复杂的:理念具有多样性,可以是基本的、简单的(rudimentary),也可以是冗长而复杂的(elaborate可以是理论驱动性的(theory-driven)或常识性的(common-sensical),也可以是阐述性的(descriptive)或因果关系性的(causal).

elaborate 词典解释

The adjective is pronounced /ɪ'læbərət/. The verb is pronounced /ɪ'læbəreɪt/. 形容词读作/ɪ'læbərət/。动词读作/ɪ'læbəreɪt/。

1. 复杂的
    You use elaborate to describe something that is very complex because it has a lot of different parts.


    e.g. ...an elaborate research project.
    e.g. ...an elaborate ceremony that lasts for eight days.

2. (计划、系统、程序等)繁复的,详尽的,过于复杂的
    Elaborate plans, systems, and procedures are complicated because they have been planned in very great detail, sometimes too much detail.

    e.g. ...elaborate efforts at the highest level to conceal the problem.
    e.g. ...an elaborate management training scheme for graduates.

It was clearly an elaborately planned operation.

3. (衣服、布料等)精致的,精巧的,制作精美的
    Elaborate clothing or material is made with a lot of detailed artistic designs.


    e.g. He is known for his elaborate costumes.

...elaborately costumed dolls.

4. 精心制作;详细计划;进一步完善
    If you elaborate a plan or theory, you develop it by making it more complicated and more effective.

    e.g. His task was to elaborate policies which would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment.
    e.g. ...the plan elaborated by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

...the elaboration of specific policies and mechanisms.

5. 详细说明;详尽阐述
    If you elaborate on something that has been said, you say more about it, or give more details.

    e.g. A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday...
    e.g. Would you care to elaborate?

elaborate 单语例句

1. But he didn't elaborate on the company's business expansion plans.

2. Police spokeswoman Lucy Caldwell did not elaborate on the cause of death, saying only that the incident was under investigation.

3. MII didn't elaborate on the nature of the investigation, but local news reports said it centered on whether Google had obtained proper licenses.

4. The company's former chief executive " persistently engaged in a series of elaborate and illegal practices, " Judge Wong Keen Onn said in his ruling.

5. The OECD didn't elaborate on the reasons for China's economic slowdown.

6. The rest make music silently through sign language, wearing white gloves as their hands perform an elaborate choreography in unison.

7. The judge berated Chen for persistently engaging in elaborate and illegal practices to circumvent Singapore's corporate laws and regulations.

8. An elaborate ceremony with incantations will be held at Rouen City Hall during Monday's handover of the head to New Zealand diplomats.

9. The painting depicts a seated Yongzheng ready to receive ministers, while clad in an elaborate yellow robe with blue sleeves.

10. He said the changes would address negligence on the part of entrepreneurs as well, but did not elaborate.

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