
endure是什么意思 endure在线翻译 endure什么意思 endure的意思 endure的翻译 endure的解释 endure的发音 endure的同义词 endure的反义词 endure的例句

endure [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)]  [ɪnˈdʊr] 


endure 基本解释

及物动词忍耐; 容忍

不及物动词忍耐; 持续,持久


endure 相关例句


1. endure的近义词

1. I can't endure his unreasonable action.

2. endure是什么意思

2. I can't endure loud music.

3. I could endure it no longer.

4. The old man had to endure a toothache.


1. They vowed their love would endure forever.

endure 情景对话


A:I can (live with it/ stand it/ bear it/ endure it.)

B:It’s not the end of the world.

endure 网络解释

1. endure什么意思

1. 忍耐:Vitae) 忍耐(Endure)十二月十七日 线杉(Common Cypress) 持久(Durable)十二月十八日 印度杉(Cedar of Goa) 成熟(Maturity)十二月十九日 冬石南(Winter Heath) 恶女(Wicked Woman)十二月二十日 雨伞花(Umbrella) 正统性(Legitimacy)十二月二十一日 冬石南(Winter Heath) 猜疑心(Suspicion)十二月二十二日 欧石南(Winter Heat

2. 存在:而今我们正陷入一场惨烈的内战,这正是考验著这个国家,或是任何一个怀抱如此信念和原则的国家是否能够永续存在(endure)? 我们现在聚集在这个内战(the War)中最惨烈的战场,要把其中一部份的土地奉献给捐弃性命换取国家生存的同胞(those who)作为永息之地.

endure 词典解释

1. 忍耐;忍受
    If you endure a painful or difficult situation, you experience it and do not avoid it or give up, usually because you cannot.

    e.g. The company endured heavy financial losses.
    e.g. ...unbearable pain, which they had to endure in solitude because not even the doctors could get near them.

2. 持续;持久
    If something endures, it continues to exist without any loss in quality or importance.


    e.g. Somehow the language endures and continues to survive.

...the start of an enduring friendship.

endure 单语例句

1. Both peoples should never forget what happened during that dark period of history, not to ferment hostility but to cement a friendship that will endure.

2. Having just three people walk pass your checkpoint in one day is not easy for any volunteer to endure.

3. But adults who endure long periods of stress and respond by chewing on their nails can find the habit hard to break.

4. But the invaders always failed to realize that without conquering the Chinese Family, the Civilization will endure and the invaders will eventually be thrown out.

5. Another unpleasant mode of expression is the clatter I endure outside my flat.

6. Some even start to hate their families because of the hardship they must endure, or at least complain about the misfortune of being born into a deprived family.

7. You may not have put a hundred percent into a recent project so you may have to endure a bit of criticism.

8. Local people have faced the natural disaster with courage, although they must still endure an average of at least five strong aftershocks every day.

9. But to a woman surnamed Guo, this is merely a reflection of the reality of the cruelty migrant workers endure.

10. While the divorce rate soars and couples no longer have to endure lifeless relationships, the outcome is often damaging - especially for young children.

endure 英英释义


1. put up with something or somebody unpleasant

    e.g. I cannot bear his constant criticism
           The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks
           he learned to tolerate the heat
           She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage

    Synonym: digeststick outstomachbearstandtoleratesupportbrookabidesufferput up

2. undergo or be subjected to

    e.g. He suffered the penalty
           Many saints suffered martyrdom

    Synonym: suffer

3. continue to live through hardship or adversity

    e.g. We went without water and food for 3 days
           These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America
           The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents
           how long can a person last without food and water?

    Synonym: survivelastlivelive ongohold uphold out

4. continue to exist

    e.g. These stories die hard
           The legend of Elvis endures

    Synonym: prevailpersistdie hardrun

5. persist for a specified period of time

    e.g. The bad weather lasted for three days

    Synonym: last

6. last and be usable

    e.g. This dress wore well for almost ten years

    Synonym: wearhold out

7. face and withstand with courage

    e.g. She braved the elements

    Synonym: weatherbravebrave out

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