
ether是什么意思 ether在线翻译 ether什么意思 ether的意思 ether的翻译 ether的解释 ether的发音 ether的同义词 ether的反义词 ether的例句

ether [ˈi:θə(r)]  [ˈiθɚ] 

ether 基本解释

名词<化>醚; the ether 苍穹; 苍天; 太空

ether 相关例句


1. The merciful magic of ether was not used that day, so the poor souls had to bear their pains as best they might.

2. ether什么意思

2. It was once believed that light waves traveled through the ether.

3. God is still as invisible to the eyes of the most developed here as the ether of space is to yours.

ether 网络解释

1. 醚:大的比热可容纳多量的热能,是冷却、传热、储热的优良物质;同时挥发性小,反较一些高分子量的物质如乙醇(Alcohol)、醚(Ether)挥发性低. 水若有正常的挥发性,在室温时便为气体. 如此,则不会下雨,也无湖泊河流,人体的水液也会挥发逸散了,

2. 乙太:「不知道你晓不晓得,在近代西洋魔法中,火、风、水、土、乙太(Ether)这五大元素各有一种象徵性的武器. 火是『杖』,风是『短剑』,水是『杯』,土是『圆盘』. 这就是所谓的属性武器. 」雅妮丝戏嘻地笑了. 「而我手上

ether 词典解释

1. 醚;乙醚
    Ether is a colourless liquid that burns easily. It is used in industry and in medicine as an anaesthetic.


    e.g. ...a sweetish smell of ether and iodine.

2. 以太,能媒(尤指声音传播的介质)
    The air is sometimes referred to as the ether, usually when talking about sounds being communicated or broadcast through it.

    e.g. ...vocals floating through the ether.

ether 单语例句

1. The center is recognized as the secretariat unit of the National Technical Committee for the Alcohol Ether Fuel Standardization Administration.

2. Bottles labelled nitric acid and petroleum ether were also found at the site, said a spokesman with Kaili municipal government.

3. With so much information out there in the ether, it's not long before today's famous face is tomorrow's news.

4. The development process requires toxic chemicals like ether, silver nitrate and acetic acid.

ether 英英释义



1. a colorless volatile highly inflammable liquid formerly used as an inhalation anesthetic

    Synonym: ethoxyethanedivinyl ethervinyl etherdiethyl etherethyl ether

2. a medium that was once supposed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waves

    Synonym: aether

3. any of a class of organic compounds that have two hydrocarbon groups linked by an oxygen atom

4. the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water
    was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodies

    Synonym: quintessence

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