
excite是什么意思 excite在线翻译 excite什么意思 excite的意思 excite的翻译 excite的解释 excite的发音 excite的同义词 excite的反义词 excite的例句

excite [ɪkˈsaɪt]  [ɪkˈsaɪt] 


excite 基本解释

及物动词激发; 刺激; 使兴奋; 使紧张不安


excite 相关例句


1. Strong coffee excites your nerves.

2. Her new dress excited envy.

3. excite

3. The King's cruelty excited a rising of the people.

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4. The professor's lecture on Shakespeare excited our interest.

excite 网络解释

1. 激动:唉!赵薇为什么总是被拍到很狼狈的(confounded)表情呢!请问,您是哪位?我猜(guess)是胡杏儿. 这是杨千桦女士吗?只有站在领奖台前才笑到如此激动(excite)吧?首先要恭喜(congratulate)陈姐姐!娱乐圈的单身美女又少了一个.

excite 词典解释

1. 使激动;使兴奋;使有热情
    If something excites you, it makes you feel very happy, eager, or enthusiastic.

    e.g. I only take on work that excites me, even if it means turning down lots of money...
    e.g. We'd not been excited by anything for about three years...

2. 激起;引起;唤起
    If something excites a particular feeling, emotion, or reaction in someone, it causes them to experience it.


    e.g. By all accounts, the monarchy does not excite strong feelings among the majority of Romanians...
    e.g. Daniel's early exposure to motor racing did not excite his interest...

3. 激起性欲;使产生性欲
    If something or someone excites you, they cause you to feel sexual desire.


    e.g. Don't try exciting your partner with dirty magazines.

She makes you feel warm and comfortable, and maybe a little excited.
...a sexually exciting thought.

4. 刺激;使…活动
    To excite a physical object such as an atomic particle or an organ in your body means to increase the amount of energy, movement, or activity in it.

    e.g. The amount of nicotine in these nicotine substitutes can be enough to excite the heart.

...when an electron drops from an excited state to a less excited state.

excite 单语例句

1. Researchers theorize that a network of these interconnected representations can excite or activate one another, aiding memory.

2. " People like Robin Li of Baidu and Jason Jiang of Focus Media really excite people, " the professor said.

3. Not many artists could excite a Chinese audience so much it did the Mexican wave while the performer was still in the green room.

4. It feels full circle to be involved with something that spoke to me then and of course continues to excite me now.

5. The fragrance of fresh herbs, sauces and spices excite diners'nostrils as soon as the food is served.

6. China has made clear its military is defensive in nature, and called on the US side not to excite tensions in the region.

7. More " Twilight " movies should excite fans of the love stories set among a world of vampires and werewolves.

8. As the gong is beat faster, the levers are rolled more swiftly to excite the audiences.

9. Their music is a unique combination of international influences, which capture the attention and excite the imagination from the first note.

10. There will be no fireworks and no stars, so how will the ceremony excite the audience?

excite 英英释义


1. act as a stimulant

    e.g. The book stimulated her imagination
           This play stimulates

    Synonym: stimulate

2. produce a magnetic field in

    e.g. excite the neurons

3. raise to a higher energy level

    e.g. excite the atoms

    Synonym: energizeenergise

4. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of

    e.g. These stories shook the community
           the civil war shook the country

    Synonym: stimulateshakeshake upstir

5. stimulate sexually

    e.g. This movie usually arouses the male audience

    Synonym: arousesexturn onwind up

6. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused

    e.g. The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks

    Synonym: agitaterouseturn onchargecommovecharge up

7. arouse or elicit a feeling

8. stir feelings in

    e.g. stimulate my appetite
           excite the audience
           stir emotions

    Synonym: stimulatestir

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