
exodermis是什么意思 exodermis在线翻译 exodermis什么意思 exodermis的意思 exodermis的翻译 exodermis的解释 exodermis的发音 exodermis的同义词

exodermis [eksəʊ'dɜ:mɪs]  [ˌeksoʊ'dɜ:mɪs] 

exodermis 基本解释


exodermis 网络解释

1. 外皮层:也就是根的初生结构 皮层:是由基本分生组织发育而成,它在表皮的内方占着相当大的部分,由多层薄壁细胞 组成,细胞排列疏松,有着显著的细胞间隔隙 外皮层(exodermis):皮层的最外一层细胞,

2. exodermis

2. 外皮层[见于植物]:exocytosis 胞吐(作用) | exodermis 外皮层[见于植物] | exoenzyme 胞外酶

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3. 外皮:exoderm 外皮 | exodermis 外皮 | exodiagenesis 表生成岩酌

4. exodermis的解释

4. 外皮层 下皮:exodermic 外皮层 | exodermis 外皮层 下皮 | exodeviation 外隐斜视 外转

exodermis 双语例句

1. The intercellular spaces of parenchyma cells close to exodermis and endodermis were smaller, but that in the cortex were larger.

2. Note the lack of pith, accumulation of starch in cortical cells, and the absence of starch in the rhizodermis and exodermis.

3. exodermis的翻译

3. Moreover, by view of the freehand cross-sections of adventitious roots under a fluorescent microscope, no any different lignifications at exodermis or endodermis in the roots of both cultivars was observed.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Mycorrhizal fungi enter the velamen and exodermis through root hair, invade the cortical tissue by the exodermal passage cells and then form pelotons.

5. ROL barriers on the edge of the exodermis plays great role in root morphogenesis, material transport and stress adaption. The lowland rice (Yangdao 6) and upland rice(Zhonghan 3) were tested by comparing the morphologic differences of ROL barrier under water stress of different consistency PEG solutions.

6. So, endomycorrhiza was formed betweenD. candidum roots and strain AR-15. There were several nucleoli and nuclei in thecortical cells next to exodermis when a nucleus transfer across the cell wall wasobserved. Sometimes plant roots were damaged by strain AR-15. The microstructure of D.

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7. Myconrrhizal fungus infected the cortical cells and formed pelotons in the cells, after it penetrated the exodermal passage cells through velamen cells. It is interesting that strain AR-18 also penetrated exodermis from the cortical cell next to it, where mycelium grew vigorously and infected inner cortical cell, even a few mycelium penetrated endodermis while there was no mycelium in the fibrovascular bundles.

8. Study on the Formation of Aerenchyma and the Development of the Sclerenchyma on the Edge of Exodermis in Rice Roots

9. Wheat bran usually refers to the exodermis and the aleurone layer of the kernel.

10. The cortical cells had thin walls and mitochondrium, and nucleus wassurrounded by chloroplasts, and vesicles were next to cell plasmalemma. However, cellwalls of velamen, cortex and exodermis in the mycorrhiza of D. nobile had ring orpapillary thickenings in many cases. The hyphae were surrounded by moremitochondria and vesicles of plant, and the hyphae were digested and their structure waschanged at last. The cell wall of endodermis also had typical ring thickenings, and manysieve orifices in sieve tube elements of phloem were covered by callose, while therewere liaison cords in a few sieve orifices.

11. exodermis

11. The species and varieties can be distinguished obviously by the shape of exodermis cells, the size and thickness of cell wall of the stone cells, the shape of endodermal cells, the size of oxalate crystals and type the of tracheid.

12. Its cortex consisted of only two layers of big and closely aligning cells, exodermis and endodermis.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. Epidermis has many single cell hairs, i. e. root hairs. The long axes of epidermis cells are vertical to the circumference of root. Exodermis and endodermis exist obviously.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. In some of the nodule like tissues the exo and endo cortical cells were basically lignified. The exodermis cell wall possesses the highest auto-fluorescent intensity whereas that of velamen the lowest.

15. exodermis的解释

15. The exodermis of root consisted of 1-2 layers of closely arranged parenchymatous cells.

16. danci.911chaxun.com

16. The exodermis cell takes the place of epidermis cell with the same way when epidermis fall off.

17. The transfer cells of Albizia julibrissin distribute in the epidermis and exodermis.

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