
expulsion是什么意思 expulsion在线翻译 expulsion什么意思 expulsion的意思 expulsion的翻译 expulsion的解释 expulsion的发音 expulsion的同义词

expulsion [ɪkˈspʌlʃn]  [ɪkˈspʌlʃən] 


expulsion 基本解释

名词驱逐; 开除; 排出; 喷出

expulsion 相关例句


1. expulsion在线翻译

1. We soon heard of the expulsion of the military adviser.

expulsion 网络解释

1. 开除:在当代,开除(expulsion)成为处理行为不当的国会成员的主要方式(尽管这仍然很少发生),因为一个议院可以独立决定开除自己的某个成员,不像弹劾需要牵涉到另一个议院.

2. 开除学籍:其范围(在教育上)包括从体态语言(BodyLan-guage)到口头指责、课后留校(detention)、罚做作业(Lines)和其他强迫措施,以至到体罚(CorporalPunishment)、停学(suspension),甚至开除学籍(expulsion),4可见,我们同西方国家在理解惩罚这

3. 驱除:社群标准 (Community Standards) 的目标很简单:尊重彼此且不骚扰别人、遵守由各模拟器分级所指定地方标准、不做出任何诽谤真实世界个人或真实世界社群的仇恨行为. 而六大禁忌 (The Big Six) 就是我们的行为指南. 社群标准制定出六种禁忌行为,触犯它们的居民将会遭到停权 (Suspension) 的处分;如果持续触犯,将会遭到驱除 (Ex

expulsion 词典解释

1. 开除;除名
    Expulsion is when someone is forced to leave a school, university, or organization.

    e.g. Her hatred of authority led to her expulsion from high school.
    e.g. ...the high number of school expulsions...

2. 驱逐;逐出
    Expulsion is when someone is forced to leave a place.

    e.g. ...the expulsion of Yemeni workers.
    e.g. ...a new wave of mass expulsions.

3. (自人体内的)排出
    Expulsion is when something is forced out from your body.


    e.g. ...the expulsion of waste products.
    e.g. ...their expulsion from the digestive tract.

expulsion 单语例句


1. The SGX website states that the disciplinary action taken against breaches of SGX rules may include expulsion.

2. If he fails, the ANC's National Executive Committee can review the verdict and expulsion.

3. The Football Association charge came as the governing body rejected Essien's appeal against his expulsion.

4. The court said that the school authorities punished Han too harshly, since cheating is not included in cases of expulsion enacted by Shenyang Agriculture University.

5. Another important point included a clear direction that there would be no suspension, expulsion and withdrawal from ASEAN membership in the charter.

6. The policy was imposed by Bill Clinton's administration in 1993, which forces gays and lesbians to hide their orientation or face expulsion from the military.

7. With Iranian hardliners calling for the expulsion of Mr Dalton, the British Government has been braced for reprisals.

8. Some Israeli security officials have opposed expulsion, arguing Arafat would win international sympathy and could still control Palestinian security forces from afar.

9. Only when a lawmaker's conduct becomes grossly disorderly does Tsang believe the offending lawmaker merits expulsion.

10. Five men who made mistakes filling in their contract forms were threatened with expulsion, while those with the wrong forms were charged 50 yuan for the right ones.


expulsion 英英释义


1. the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting

    Synonym: projectionejectionforcing out

2. the act of forcing out someone or something

    e.g. the ejection of troublemakers by the police
           the child's expulsion from school

    Synonym: ejectionexclusionriddance

3. squeezing out by applying pressure

    e.g. an unexpected extrusion of toothpaste from the bottom of the tube
           the expulsion of pus from the pimple

    Synonym: extrusion

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