
fertility是什么意思 fertility在线翻译 fertility什么意思 fertility的意思 fertility的翻译 fertility的解释 fertility的发音 fertility的同义词

fertility [fəˈtɪləti]  [fərˈtɪləti] 

fertility 基本解释

名词肥力; (土地的)肥沃; 丰产; <生>繁殖力


fertility 反义词


fertility 相关例句


1. She is taking drugs to increase her fertility.

fertility 网络解释

1. 生育力:还有抽像的形状(abstract shape)和人类画.新画有时会直接在旧画上画.第二段说维纳斯神像则不像动物画只局限在特定地方,而是全欧洲普遍分布(有题),维纳斯神像为生育力(fertility)的象征.第三段说这些史前壁画代表的意义,

2. 生殖力:自然选择作用是指不同的遗传变异体的差别的生活力(viability)和(或)差别的生殖力(fertility). 从这一种观点出发,达尔文所指的自然选择正如Th.Dobzhansky精辟归纳的:自然选择的本质就是一个群体中的不同基因型的个体后代基因库作出不同的贡献.

3. 生育能力:至此,我们可以大胆地推测本段的核心大意:文中提到的比利时妇女患有癌症(lymphoma淋巴),而化疗这种癌症的药物会引起不育(infertility为保护她的生育能力(fertility),治疗前,医生摘除了她的卵巢(ovarian)冷冻起来,待疾病治泰德时代官

4. 生育率:可以说是生存和生育率联合效应的最后结果,可用相同环境中,不同个体的相对生育率(fertility)来衡量. 例如丹麦对软骨发育不全患者的调查,该病是常染色体显性遗传病,有矮小、指短、头大、低鼻梁、前额大等体征. 在108例患者中,共生育了27个儿女,

fertility 单语例句

1. It is known that some types of cancer are sensitive to hormones associated with both pregnancy and fertility treatment.

2. Doctors warn that DEHP can cause male fertility problems and induce female precocious puberty, and that experiments on animals have demonstrated a carcinogenic effect.

3. In the CBT group, six regained full fertility and one showed some signs of restored ovarian function.

4. Ovulation is easily detected using urine tests, and Haselton's team used such a test to check fertility in their study.

5. Other studies of oestradiol have shown that higher levels of the hormone are closely linked to enhanced fertility among women.

6. A moderate fertility rate is adjustable, and conducive to social and economic development.

7. Although men continually produce new sperm and can father children even in their golden years, research shows that their fertility gradually declines starting at a relatively young age.

8. The paper authors said that controlling the endogeneity of employment removes the income effect that positively impacts fertility in rural China.

9. Cooper's team looked at records for 461 women who came to their center with fertility problems over 10 years and ultimately had a baby.

10. Besides the achievements in health and education, another critical factor is the decline of China's fertility rate.

fertility 英英释义


1. the property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth

    e.g. he praised the richness of the soil
           weeds lovely in their rankness

    Synonym: richnessranknessprolificacy

2. the state of being fertile
    capable of producing offspring

    Synonym: fecundity

3. the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area
    expressed per 1000 population per year

    Synonym: birthratebirth ratefertility ratenatality

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