
richness是什么意思 richness在线翻译 richness什么意思 richness的意思 richness的翻译 richness的解释 richness的发音 richness的同义词

richness [ˈrɪtʃnəs]  [ˈrɪtʃnəs] 

richness 基本解释


名词丰富; 富裕; 浓烈; 富饶

richness 相关例句


1. For all its richness and all its progress, it is not an ideal society.

richness 网络解释

1. 丰度:二、运用物种的丰度(richness)、歧异度(diversity)、或均匀度(evenness)的指标:物种丰度的调查采样,仍属「存在与否」类别的资讯,对反应整体群聚的代表性不足,且与样本数及采样点选择息息相关.

2. 丰富:指超越感官刺激的共鸣与感染力,是一些细致的感觉,亦或是不同感觉间的复杂交互作用,所造成的心理感动,其他常用的语汇还有芳香(aroma)、丰富(richness)、风味(flavor)、特色(varietal distinction or character)等等,

3. richness的近义词

3. 丰[富]度:人们通常认为是媒介的交互性(interactivity)和丰富度(richness)产生了这种临场感(Klein 2001;Steuer 1992). 然而,在研究三维广告时,我们却发现媒介的交互性和丰富度并不能充分解释消费者体验模拟产品时的心理活动. 因此,

richness 单语例句

1. It is this catholicity of ambition that gives current cinema its richness.

2. Inner Mongolia's powerful power production capacity is made largely possible by its richness in coal resources.

3. Colouring your hair at home can be a great option but ONLY if you want to add richness to your natural shade.

4. Both artists recall the past with palpability in their works, combining the spiritual and the material to honor the richness of Chinese heritage.

5. The opportunity to live in her birth country enables an adoptee to intimately understand her native culture and take pride in its richness.

6. But the richness of the pork goes really well wrapped inside hot, crispy flour cake right from the oven.

7. Zhang says Hsi's poems impress her most because of their richness and deceptive simplicity.

8. It came with slivers of chorizo sausage that rounded out the richness of the flavors, along with potato and kale topped with a dollop of olive oil.

9. It is well known for its richness in organic materials and easiness to plough.

10. Science and technology exist to help us keep our heritage, not to reduce us to an economically optimum existence that has no richness.

richness 英英释义


1. splendid or imposing in size or appearance

    e.g. the grandness of the architecture
           impressed by the richness of the flora

    Synonym: impressivenessgrandnessmagnificence

2. a strong deep vividness of hue

    e.g. the fire-light gave a richness of coloring to that side of the room

3. the property of a sensation that is rich and pleasing

    e.g. the music had a fullness that echoed through the hall
           the cheap wine had no body, no mellowness
           he was well aware of the richness of his own appearance

    Synonym: fullnessmellowness

4. the property of being extremely abundant

    e.g. the profusion of detail
           the idiomatic richness of English

    Synonym: profusionprofusenesscornucopia

5. the property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth

    e.g. he praised the richness of the soil
           weeds lovely in their rankness

    Synonym: ranknessprolificacyfertility

6. the quality of having high intrinsic value

    e.g. the richness of the mines and pastureland
           the cut of her clothes and the richness of the fabric were distinctive

7. abundant wealth

    e.g. they studied forerunners of richness or poverty
           the richness all around unsettled him for he had expected to find poverty

    Synonym: affluence

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