
format是什么意思 format在线翻译 format什么意思 format的意思 format的翻译 format的解释 format的发音 format的同义词 format的反义词 format的例句

format [ˈfɔ:mæt]  [ˈfɔ:rmæt] 


format 基本解释

名词(出版物的)版式; [自](数据安排的)形式; 电视节目的总安排(或计划)

及物动词使格式化; 安排…的格局; 设计…的版面


format 网络解释

1. 格式化磁盘:我在优化大师里面的 系统安全优化 扫描出现个对话框 信息:windows命令行方式的删除文件夹(deltree)和格式化磁盘(Format)命令可能为某些病毒所利用单击'确定将修改这两个命令的扩展名确定吗?

2. format在线翻译

2. 规格:对松下技术部门简直是莫大的耻辱,但是实在也无可奈何. 这种情 形在影碟机(Video dise)出现时,又重现了一次. 这次如果再向日本 JVC当然 SONT 与日本 JVC 差异之外还很多. 两家公司对规格(format)的 看法不同,则是最大的差别.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. format:fortran matrix abstraction technique; Fortran语言矩阵提取技术

format 词典解释

1. 版式;格式;形式
    The format of something is the way or order in which it is arranged and presented.

    e.g. I had met with him to explain the format of the programme and what we had in mind.
    e.g. ...a large-format book.

2. (电脑软件或音乐的)载体形式
    The format of a piece of computer software or a musical recording is the type of equipment on which it is designed to be used or played. For example, possible formats for a musical recording are CD and cassette.


    e.g. His latest album is available on all formats.

3. 格式化(磁盘)
    To format a computer disk means to run a program so that the disk can be written on.


4. 编排(计算机文本或图表)的格式
    To format a piece of computer text or graphics means to arrange the way in which it appears when it is printed or is displayed on a screen.


    e.g. When text is saved from a Web page, it is often very badly formatted with many short lines.

format 单语例句

1. Thousands of submissions poured in to the magazine and Glamour narrowed them down to those most adaptable to a short film format.

2. But Yao saw the format change from a different point of view.

3. The first new characteristic that comes to mind is the developing format for joint management by the existing nuclear powers.

4. Some 38 per cent attributed the success to the content and format of the show, and 58 per cent saw it simply as a Cinderella story.

5. It has taken small screen beauty Yu Feihong 10 years to adapt the novel " Eternity of Love " into cinematic format.

6. The federation also changed the competition format for the London Olympics - singles come before team event.

7. Although there are some similarities between it and Toshiba's HD DVD format, the video compression and copy protection are different.

8. The pros and cons of this Japanese format aside, it has in a way served as a " firewall " in the present crisis.

9. Each conference will from next season contain three divisions each of five teams in an expansion from the current format of two divisions per conference.

10. These cables transmit uncompressed digital data in high definition format for display purposes to high definition devices.


format 英英释义



1. the general appearance of a publication

2. the organization of information according to preset specifications (usually for computer processing)

    Synonym: formattingdata formatdata formatting


1. divide (a disk) into marked sectors so that it may store data

    e.g. Please format this disk before entering data!

    Synonym: initializeinitialise

2. determine the arrangement of (data) for storage and display (in computer science)

3. set (printed matter) into a specific format

    e.g. Format this letter so it can be printed out

    Synonym: arrange

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