
fortify是什么意思 fortify在线翻译 fortify什么意思 fortify的意思 fortify的翻译 fortify的解释 fortify的发音 fortify的同义词 fortify的反义词

fortify [ˈfɔ:tɪfaɪ]  [ˈfɔ:rtɪfaɪ] 


fortify 基本解释

及物动词加强,增强; 增加营养物; 使体力增加; 鼓励,使(意志等)坚定



fortify 相关例句


1. The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat.

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2. After praying he faced his difficulties with a fortified spirit.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. They fortified the dam against the flood.

4. fortify的解释

4. The flour was fortified with vitamins.

5. fortify的解释

5. The vitamin is fortified with iron.

fortify 网络解释

1. 设防于, 增强(体力,结构等)使坚强:thrifty 节俭,节约,节省 | fortify 设防于, 增强(体力,结构等)使坚强 | celerity 敏捷, 快速

2. fortify

2. 加强:chant#咏唱 | fortify#加强 | allay#缓和

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 设防于:fortifier 强化物 | fortify 设防于 | fortis 强音

4. 设要塞,加强:barmy 芳香的 | fortify 设要塞,加强 | cannon 大炮;开炮

fortify 词典解释

1. 筑防于;设要塞于;加固
    To fortify a place means to make it stronger and more difficult to attack, often by building a wall or ditch round it.

    e.g. ...British soldiers working to fortify an airbase in Bahrain.

He remains barricaded inside his heavily-fortified mansion.
...fortified castles and villages.

2. 强化(食品或饮料);使营养价值提高
    If food or drink is fortified, another substance is added to it to make it healthier or stronger.

    e.g. It has also been fortified with vitamin C...
           它还添加了维生素 C。
    e.g. All sherry is made from wine fortified with brandy.

In some countries, iron fortification of foods is carried out to reduce iron deficiency.

3. 使振作;坚定…的信心;使补充体力
    If you are fortified by something such as food, drink, or an idea, it makes you feel more cheerful, determined, or energetic.

    e.g. The volunteers were fortified by their patriotic belief...
    e.g. They will be laying on liquid refreshment to fortify brides-to-be for the shopping extravaganza ahead...

4. 使强化;使更接近成功
    To fortify something means to make it more powerful and more likely to succeed.

    e.g. His declared agenda is to raise standards in schools, fortify parent power and decentralise control.

fortify 单语例句

1. Meanwhile, modest loan growth and good earnings retention helped banks fortify their already solid capital position.

2. All comrades in the Party should set up a lofty communist ideal, fortify their conviction and spur themselves on by holding to lofty ideological and moral standards.

3. Siemens expects the new products to help fortify its position as one of the top three mobile phone suppliers in China on the competitive market.

4. Elderly Commission Chairman Alfred Chan suggests the government to raise the retirement age to fortify the rapidly depleting working population and to improve retirement benefits.

5. Engineers rushed to fix the city's pumps and fortify its levees.

6. The promotion is associated with Sinopec's undercutting strategy to fortify market position in the wake of two oil price cuts in Beijing earlier this year.

7. It is necessary and possible for China to spend more on national defense to fortify national defense construction and accelerate modernization of its national defense.

8. Turkey viewed the loss of its fighter jet as a hostile act and has taken steps to fortify its border with Syria.

9. Using melamine to fortify the nitrogen content of the diluted milk in order to make more profit comes as no surprise.

10. A levee in the southeast part of the state was on the verge of collapse, and officials scrambled to fortify it.

fortify 英英释义


1. make strong or stronger

    e.g. This exercise will strengthen your upper body
           strengthen the relations between the two countries

    Synonym: strengthenbeef up

2. add alcohol to (beverages)

    e.g. the punch is spiked!

    Synonym: spikelace

3. add nutrients to

    e.g. fortified milk

4. prepare oneself for a military confrontation

    e.g. The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East
           troops are building up on the Iraqi border

    Synonym: armbuild upgird

5. enclose by or as if by a fortification

    Synonym: fort

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