
fright是什么意思 fright在线翻译 fright什么意思 fright的意思 fright的翻译 fright的解释 fright的发音 fright的同义词 fright的反义词 fright的例句

fright [fraɪt]  [fraɪt] 


fright 基本解释

名词惊吓; 恐怖; 可怕的东西,难看的人


fright 相关例句


1. She nearly died of fright at the sight of the escaped tiger.

2. fright的翻译

2. The loud thunder gave me a fright.

3. He looks a fright in that old hat.

fright 网络解释

1. 恐惧:再去恐惧神域,从恐惧(fright)、 恐怖(terror)或 畏惧(dread)中的任何一个身上掠夺永生石人之球. 他们是卡兹-土勒个人守卫,50-52级有名字的传说中有生命的假人,位于神庙里. 然后带着剑柄、矿石、和永生石人之球回去找文登-布莱克汉姆,

2. 害怕:即使是更原始的情绪,如与杏仁核传出的重叠信息有关的战斗(fight)、害怕(fright)、逃跑(flight)等,也发生在有关系的情景或情况下. 如前所述,具有医学背景的弗洛伊德想把情绪和其他的心理活动,作为本能冲动(instinctual impulses)的结果来定位于躯体之中.

fright 词典解释

1. (尤指令人不快的事意外发生造成的)惊骇,恐惧
    Fright is a sudden feeling of fear, especially the fear that you feel when something unpleasant surprises you.


    e.g. The steam pipes rattled suddenly, and Franklin uttered a shriek and jumped with fright...
    e.g. The birds smashed into the top of their cages in fright...

2. 惊吓;恐怖的体验
    A fright is an experience which makes you suddenly afraid.


    e.g. The snake picked up its head and stuck out its tongue which gave everyone a fright...
    e.g. The last time you had a real fright, you nearly crashed the car.

3. (因…)受惊吓
    If a person or animal takes fright at something, they are suddenly frightened by it, and want to run away or to stop doing what they are doing.

    e.g. An untrained horse had taken fright at the sound of gunfire...
    e.g. When costs soared, the studio took fright and recalled the company from Rome.

4. the fright of your life -> see life

fright 单语例句


1. Lady Gaga had to be dragged out of her dressing room by Oprah Winfrey after suffering from stage fright.

2. For one of Wang's patients, extreme fright has given way to joy.

3. Li fell to the ground in fright and had a heart attack.

4. The school's gatekeeper tried to scare the snake away, but in its fright it slithered up into the branches of the nearby tree.

5. The psychologist said she could not forget the fright in the teenage girl's eyes as if she had returned to the dark Monday.

6. The'Poker Face'singer suffers from severe stage fright because she is so worried the show won't go well.

7. If you are not prepared for such a fright, you can join in interesting Egyptian games outside the pyramid.

8. She was shown clips from famous horror films and she showed no fright.

9. We are against horror scenes that frighten the audience just for fright's sake.

10. The Chinese take on Fright Night seems somewhat less grisly, with fewer guts but with all the glory.

fright 英英释义


1. an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)

    Synonym: fearfearfulness


1. cause fear in

    e.g. The stranger who hangs around the building frightens me
           Ghosts could never affright her

    Synonym: frightenscareaffright

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