
gone是什么意思 gone在线翻译 gone什么意思 gone的意思 gone的翻译 gone的解释 gone的发音 gone的同义词 gone的反义词 gone的例句 gone的相关词组

gone [gɒn]  [gɔ:n] 


gone 基本解释

形容词过去的; 用完了; 死去的; 无望的,无可挽救的



gone 相关例句


1. gone的意思

1. She is six months gone.

2. His grandfather is gone now.

3. It is a gone case.

4. She's six months gone .

5. gone的反义词

5. Now his job was gone.

gone 情景对话


A:(Prices/ rents) have really gone up the past couple of years.




A:(Most/ almost all/ a great deal) of the street parking is gone by then.




B:I'm sorry to say that your price has soared. It's almost 20% higher than last year's.

A:That's because the price of raw materials has gone up.

B:I see. Thank you.

gone 网络解释

1. 走:国内达芙妮,240,应该是7号吧,穿过两次都是参加HOMECOMING(跳舞的时候就脱了放在一边,光着脚跳.....)$15-->>10走(gone)6. 版上来的AF, S号,绒绒摸着很舒服,我试了一下塞不进去我肥硕的胳膊.....$12-->>9走(gone)4.

2. 迷失方向:本站提供迷失方向(Gone)在线观看服务,但暂不迷失方向(Gone)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关迷失方向(Gone)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

3. 去:只看碟名,细心的关注者会以为是对此前发行的三碟精选<<逝去>>(Gone)的有趣回应. 或者正如静谧与爆裂的矛盾,单声道的看法一如他们的音乐. 只不过,大肆把玩静、动技巧者大有人在,能将二者结合成自己独有印迹者为数不多,

4. 跑了:Gesundheit!-保重!(特别用于对打喷嚏的人说) | Gone!-跑了! | Gorgeous!-美极了!

gone 词典解释


2. 离开的;过去的;不复存在的
    When someone is gone, they have left the place where you are and are no longer there. When something is gone, it is no longer present or no longer exists.

    e.g. While he was gone she had tea with the Colonel...
    e.g. He's already been gone four hours!...

3. 晚于,超过(某一时间)
    If you say it is gone a particular time, you mean it is later than that time.

    e.g. It was just gone 7 o'clock this evening when I finished.

gone 单语例句


1. The global financial crisis has only had a slight impact on the Japanese financial sector, and none of the country's financial institutions has gone bust.

2. Whether that judgment applies to US titles that have gone the same route is hard to say based on a single case study.

3. At night I come, by day I'm lost but not really gone.

4. Had they taken the company bus to Guomao and then gone by subway to Dongzhimen, the journey would have taken about an hour.

5. Strip down to your underwear in - 2 C, run a lap in the freezing cold and your worries will be gone.

6. They knew about a number of near misses and calculated that many other rocky threats whirling about the solar system had gone undetected.

7. But he has gone much further, calculating that a crisis creates the best environment for ramming big changes through Congress.

8. A call for help has gone out for a female panda in Shaanxi Province that needs an artificial foot.

9. While it may take some time, the time when the US could call the shots in others'affairs has now gone.

10. " Some people have gone to Karachi and will carry out an attack at the consulate, " the caller was quoted as saying by an anonymous security official.

gone 英英释义


1. dead

    e.g. he is deceased
           our dear departed friend

    Synonym: asleep(p)at peace(p)at rest(p)deceaseddeparted

2. well in the past

    e.g. bygone days
           dreams of foregone times
           sweet memories of gone summers
           relics of a departed era

    Synonym: bygonebypastdepartedforegone

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