
bygone是什么意思 bygone在线翻译 bygone什么意思 bygone的意思 bygone的翻译 bygone的解释 bygone的发音 bygone的同义词 bygone的反义词 bygone的例句

bygone [ˈbaɪgɒn]  [ˈbaɪgɔ:n] 


bygone 基本解释

形容词过去的; 以往的; 很久以前的; 旧式的

名词往事; 过去的(不愉快的)事

bygone 相关例句


1. bygone的解释

1. The old man told stories of bygone days.

2. Let bygones be bygones and let's forget about our disputes and be friends again.

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. Let bygones be bygones.


1. bygone的翻译

1. Let bygones be bygones!

2. I'm willing to let bygones be bygones.

bygone 网络解释

1. 往事:[谈天情感区]当爱已成往事(bygone)版版主变更公告谈天情感区当爱已成往事(bygone)版版主noyonaga,由于个人原因不能继续为版面服务,提出辞职申请. 现正式批准noyonaga的申请,取消相关权限. 感谢noyonaga在任期间曾经做出的努力和贡献,

2. 过去的事:feed 煽动(过去式为fed) | birthday 生日 | bygone 过去的事

3. bygone

3. 旧:634 老(老二) old; aged; tough; of long standing | 635 旧 old; past; bygone; used; worn | 636 角 one tenth of one RMB Yuan

4. 过去的,昔日的:epigone 后继者,模仿者 | bygone 过去的,昔日的 | hone 细磨刀石,v. 磨刀

bygone 词典解释

1. 过去已久的;很久以前的
    Bygone means happening or existing a very long time ago.

    e.g. The book recalls other memories of a bygone age.
    e.g. ...bygone generations.

2. 让过去的事过去;冰释前嫌
    If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.

bygone 单语例句


1. " They remind us of a bygone but important period in Chinese art education, " says Song.

2. The death toll from Wednesday's storms seems out of a bygone era, before Doppler radar and pinpoint satellite forecasts were around to warn communities of severe weather.

3. Mercury's surface is a mixture of volcanic plains, craters caused by bygone impacts with space rocks and winding cliffs.

4. But the days of northeastern pride can now be found only in nostalgia for a bygone age.

5. And unlike that bygone partridge in a pear tree, available at several price points.

6. Chan's childhood home was furnished with red sandalwood, a material used in the emperor's palace in bygone times.

7. But he argues that what matters is how people deal with the violent legacy of bygone times.

8. Swing bands, performers and DJs then bring the night alive with sounds from a bygone era.

9. Here, you can still find steam locomotives and experience the romantic charm of a bygone era!

10. In a phenomenally fast changing nation, it is an enduring symbol of bygone times.

bygone 英英释义


1. past events to be put aside

    e.g. let bygones be bygones

    Synonym: water under the bridge


1. well in the past

    e.g. bygone days
           dreams of foregone times
           sweet memories of gone summers
           relics of a departed era

    Synonym: bypastdepartedforegonegone

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