
hanging tile是什么意思 hanging tile在线翻译 hanging tile什么意思 hanging tile的意思 hanging tile的翻译 hanging tile的解释 hanging tile的发音

hanging tile

hanging tile 双语例句

1. Hakka guests are big houses tile-roofed house, the traditional housing bungalows, divided into the upper room of the house hall, the next hall, in the middle of the courtyard behind the hall closet, put on the Office of authentic square table, hanging mirror screen, mirror screen above the is the ancestral tablets.

2. In this series of wall tiles all the possible functions of the bathroom are integrated: a tile for hanging up towels, one for writing notes, an extractor-fan tile, a tile for putting the toilet-paper roll, a mini shelf, a door stopper and a medicine cupboard.

3. hanging tile什么意思

3. Wing roof form of the more special, two upward puzzle parapet gable, wall tile top of hanging around for the ice tray canopy assemble method.

4. Vatan: the forefront of the eaves of a tile for the roof tiles inscribed, tile surface with a pattern piece hanging round the block.

5. hanging tile是什么意思

5. To Medium decorative standards as an example: bathrooms with tile paving Daily; Bathrooms ceiling PVC Kouban do drop; Kitchen ceiling brush Fangci paint; Interior walls spray coat paint, ceilings white Naicaxi paint brush; 1 metre wooden Qiangqun living room so that the ground floor corridor at arms; Shop wooden floor bedroom, installing wood or wood decoration hanging mirrors line line-Longwood Chuanglianhe, Double sets of doors kits; of the window and aluminum alloy Tuilachuang, balcony sealed aluminum alloy windows; lamps used Xiding circular art lights to pull switches.

6. Yuan Yuan Tongdian completed in Dade 1922, the high ridge 50/85 meters, width, are deep into the 2, 165 meters, the hanging of the Peak, wood structure, modeling ancient imposing, tile edges canopies teeth, Dong-chu, at the door, window lattice, threshold, a Bi-Zhu, also of Dian over the engraved with the inscription, is the construction of the Yuan Dynasty Mount Wudang important kind of information.

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