
her是什么意思 her在线翻译 her什么意思 her的意思 her的翻译 her的解释 her的发音 her的同义词 her的反义词 her的例句 her的相关词组

her [hə(r)]  [hɚ, ɚ,hɚr] 

her 基本解释

代词(she的宾格)她; (she的所有格)她的; 她,指某个国家,(一艘)船

her 相关例句


1. her的解释

1. Mary sat down in her chair.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. I met her in the park.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Is that her?

4. danci.911cha.com

4. We know her.

5. her

5. I saw Mary with her mother.

her 情景对话



A:My grandmother gets by on (social security/ her pension funds/ charity).

B:Mine too.


A:Hello. Can I speak to Alice, please?

B:Hold on, please.


A:Thank you.

B:Sorry, but she's out.

A:Would you tell her Tom Gray called?


B:I'd be glad to.



A:May I speak to Miss Tan, please?


B:Sorry, but she is with someone right now.


A:I see. May I leave her a message then?




A:Please ask her to call me at 6225-9438.

B:Yes. I will.

her 网络解释

1. her在线翻译

1. 是她:1.hero:n 英雄 记忆方法:英雄(hero)是她(her)心中的太阳(o)2.bother:v 受惊、打扰 brother:n 兄弟 记忆方法:兄弟(brother)身上突然飞出一只小鸟(r手写体像小鸟),他受惊(bother)了.

2. 高能射线杀菌:介绍了脉冲强磁杀菌(PSM)、紫外线杀菌(UV)、超声波杀菌(USW)、高能射线杀菌(HER)、低温真空蒸汽杀菌(LTVS)、动态超高压杀菌(IHP)、活性包装(AP)、栅栏技术(Hurdle Technology)和化学消毒剂(Chemical Disinfection)在食品中的应用

3. her的翻译

3. her:history of researches; 中国

4. her:hydrogen evolution reaction; 析氢反应

5. her:high energy reaction; 高能反应

her 词典解释

Her is a third person singular pronoun. Her is used as the object of a verb or a preposition. Her is also a possessive determiner.

1. 她;(雌性动物)它
    You use her to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal.


    e.g. I went in the room and told her I had something to say to her...
    e.g. Catherine could not give her the advice she most needed...

2. (书面英语中不区分性别地泛指人)他或她(一些人不喜欢这种用法,更倾向于使用 him or her 或 them)
    In written English, her is sometimes used to refer to a person without saying whether that person is a man or a woman. Some people dislike this use and prefer to use 'him or her' or 'them'.

    e.g. Talk to your baby, play games, and show her how much you enjoy her company.

3. (有时指国家或民族)她,它
    Her is sometimes used to refer to a country or nation.


4. (有时指汽车、机器或船)它
    People sometimes use her to refer to a car, machine, or ship.

    e.g. Kemp got out of his car. 'Just fill her up, thanks.'

her 单语例句


1. When afternoon comes, she changes into her business suit and becomes a marketing specialist at an English magazine.

2. Hunchun is about eight hours drive from her hometown and is famous for border business.

3. Zhou said the woman spoke fluent Japanese language and was almost the same age as her husband who said he was in business.

4. When she finally secured a business licence for her organization on April 18, her first thought was to offer psychological counselling to health workers.

5. Clinton declined to discuss her father's relationship with the White House intern, drawing applause when she told the young man that it was none of his business.

6. After that, she returned to Remin University to continue her undergraduate studies in business management.

7. The daughter of farmers and the only runner in her family of five, she said she started running while pursing a business management degree.

8. Zhang believes her frankness and business ambition helped her win the manager's favor.

9. Zhang has a passion for singing and said she would like to enter show business if she had the opportunity after her operation.

10. Yet her devotion to one social network is not an act of sentimentality - it's part of a careful strategy for combating social media burnout.

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