
hidden是什么意思 hidden在线翻译 hidden什么意思 hidden的意思 hidden的翻译 hidden的解释 hidden的发音 hidden的同义词 hidden的反义词 hidden的例句

hidden [ˈhɪdn]  [ˈhɪdn:] 


hidden 基本解释

形容词隐藏的; 神秘的; 秘密的

动词隐藏( hide的过去分词)


hidden 相关例句


1. That old cottage is hidden among trees.

hidden 网络解释

1. 消隐:因此你能轻易地在ZwCAD中继续使用你在AutoCAD中已经习惯的操作界面. 通过ZwCAD提供3D面造型,能够创造高品质的三维模型,并且支持线框(wireframes)、消隐(hidden)和着色(shade)等多种显示方式.

2. 隐藏域:输出(包括ms提供的控件)都是用服务端输出html和js . 交互通过隐藏域(hidden)存放序列化的信息也就是所谓的viewstate,来保持控件的状态. 等等 .

hidden 词典解释


2. 难以看见(或发现)的;隐藏的
    Hidden facts, feelings, activities, or problems are not easy to notice or discover.

    e.g. Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children...
    e.g. The precise details of the origins of life remain hidden.

3. (地方)隐秘的
    A hidden place is difficult to find.


    e.g. As you descend, suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall.

hidden 单语例句

1. Police busted Chen's drug ring in November 1999, after they found large amount of " ice " hidden in a warehouse in Guangzhou.

2. Her new short do uncovered a tattoo running down the back of her neck, which has been hidden for years by her hair extensions.

3. I've never hidden it but it's something I've had for a good few years now.

4. But by tradition in this Muslim country, women are hidden away and men will rarely discuss their wives and daughters with strangers.

5. The Ca Mau treasure remained hidden under the sea until 1998 when a Vietnamese fisherman chanced upon it.

6. The cabinet asked government offices to draw lessons from the accident and root out hidden risks.

7. Police found Ma had hidden a large cache of drugs at a rented house in Xuanwu District between April and June of last year.

8. The army said the airstrike targeted a weapons cache hidden near the graveyard.

9. There was even a show called " How to Catch a Predator ", where a hidden camera investigates men who used sexual online content with children and teens.

10. Some were buried or hidden under trees or covered with camouflage sheets.

hidden 英英释义



1. difficult to find

    e.g. hidden valleys
           a hidden cave
           an obscure retreat

    Synonym: obscure

2. designed to elude detection

    e.g. a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole
           a secret passage
           the secret compartment in the desk

    Synonym: secret

3. not accessible to view

    e.g. concealed (or hidden) damage
           in stormy weather the stars are out of sight

    Synonym: concealedout of sight

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