
incidence是什么意思 incidence在线翻译 incidence什么意思 incidence的意思 incidence的翻译 incidence的解释 incidence的发音 incidence的同义词

incidence [ˈɪnsɪdəns]  [ˈɪnsɪdəns] 


incidence 基本解释


名词发生率; 影响范围; [数]关联,接合; [物]入射,入射角


incidence 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. What is the incidence of the tax?

2. incidence是什么意思

2. There's a high incidence of heart disease there.

incidence 网络解释

1. 发病率:口腔 癌云南省肿瘤医院头颈科李宝忠一 口腔肿瘤临床流行病学(一) 流行特征 1.发病率(incidence) 美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)1993年的调查,口腔癌的年发病率为4.6/10万.上海市肿瘤研究所流行病学教研室1999年的调查,口腔,

2. incidence的意思

2. 发生率:各长期照护机构的感染率,因病患的人口社会学差异、机构内感染定义的不同、照护系统以及监测的方式不一致,故感染率范围相当大约为自2.7-32.7%,发生率(incidence)为10.7-20.1%或每一千个住院日发生2.6-7.1次院内感染,

3. incidence的意思

3. 发生:重要的不是发生(incidence)了什么,而是我们对待变化的态度与方法! 大学生进行职业设计,在四年学习生活当中应培养一定的的职业观念和职业能力. 职场是一个投资场,职业人士是用自己的知识能力进行投资. 既是投资,当然需要经营有收益.

4. incidence

4. 歸宿:劳动和资本收入的高边际税率会降低工作和储蓄的积极性 713Tariff 关税 一国对进口商品根据其数量单位所征收的税 714Tax incidence 税收归宿 见归宿(incidence) 715Technological change 技术变革 生产过程的改变或新产品的引入,

incidence 词典解释

1. (疾病等的)发生,发生率
    The incidence of something bad, such as a disease, is the frequency with which it occurs, or the occasions when it occurs.

    e.g. The incidence of breast cancer increases with age.
    e.g. ...the high incidence of child mortality.

incidence 单语例句

1. The three terminals at the airport were subsequently shut down for six hours after a bystander who witnessed the incidence notified TSA officials.

2. One of the trials combined with echinacea with vitamin C, which showed the two together reduced the incidence of a cold by 86 percent.

3. These deaths are most common in developing countries, where the incidence of cervical cancer is six times higher than that in developed countries.

4. It has already been shown to reduce the incidence and rate of chemically induced mammary tumors in animals.

5. But the incidence of the most common types of cancer - affecting the breast, colon and prostate - was about the same in both groups.

6. A few studies also suggested that probiotics may enhance immunity, reduce the risk of colon polyps and decrease the incidence of vaginal yeast infection.

7. The Law on Road Traffic Safety come out when China is at a period with high incidence of traffic accidents.

8. The high incidence of twins has raised the interest of reproductive experts who have frequently visited to conduct field surveys.

9. Though the old lady and her son thanked Yin after the police confirmed the facts, the incidence stirred public conscience.

10. The sharp rise in the incidence of myopia among students and the increasingly heavy burden of schoolwork indicates a correlation between the two.

incidence 英英释义


1. the striking of a light beam on a surface

    e.g. he measured the angle of incidence of the reflected light

2. the relative frequency of occurrence of something

    Synonym: relative incidence

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