
inconsistent是什么意思 inconsistent在线翻译 inconsistent什么意思 inconsistent的意思 inconsistent的翻译 inconsistent的解释 inconsistent的发音

inconsistent [ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt]  [ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt] 

inconsistent 基本解释

形容词不一致的,不调和的; 前后矛盾的,不合逻辑的; 反复无常的; 歧出

inconsistent 同义词

inconsistent 反义词



inconsistent 相关例句


1. English weather is very inconsistent; one moment it's raining and the next it's sunny.

2. He is inconsistent.

inconsistent 网络解释

1. 不一致的:一个WFF集为不一致的 (inconsistent) 当且仅当它并不是一致的--没有任何真值赋与可令集内的每一WFF同时为真. 逻辑系统有许多种. 不同的逻辑系统采用的人工语言也不同. 例如,谓词逻辑除包括语句逻辑的语汇外,还包括谓词 (predicates),

2. 矛盾的:在一个制式系统里,若由公理经推理规则之推导,可以导出互为矛盾的定理时,此系统称为矛盾的(inconsistent). 反之,若无以上之情形,则此系统称为一致的或是和谐的. 此条件是制式系统具有物理意义的基础. 制式系统的发勒甚早,可溯至欧氏几何.

3. 矛盾:但当联立方程是矛盾(Inconsistent)(注6)的因而无解时,该两条方程在平面上便表现为一对并行线,即没有交点的两条直线. 而当联立方程线性相关(Linear Dependent) (注7)因而有无限个解时,该两条方程在平面上便表现为同一条直线,

inconsistent 词典解释

1. (人)反复无常的,易变的
    If you describe someone as inconsistent, you are criticizing them for not behaving in the same way every time a similar situation occurs.

    e.g. You are inconsistent and unpredictable.
    e.g. ...the leadership's hesitant and inconsistent behaviour.

2. 不能始终如一的;时好时坏的
    Someone or something that is inconsistent does not stay the same, being sometimes good and sometimes bad.


    e.g. We had a terrific start to the season, but recently we've been inconsistent...
    e.g. Moon, as great as he is, has had some inconsistent days.

3. 不一致的;相排斥的
    If two statements are inconsistent, one cannot possibly be true if the other is true.

    e.g. The evidence given in court was inconsistent with what he had previously told them.

4. 相抵触的;不相合的
    If something is inconsistent with a set of ideas or values, it does not fit in well with them or match them.


    e.g. This legislation is inconsistent with what they call Free Trade...
    e.g. The outburst was inconsistent with the image he has cultivated.

inconsistent 单语例句


1. Inconsistent Miami won by at least 30 points for the fourth time this season.

2. Open champion said the win was especially memorable for him following a difficult season, plagued by injuries and inconsistent form.

3. Second, unstable and inconsistent space can be caused by the slanting of the character.

4. Drinking has been known to interfere with people's adherence to their medications, but researchers said the consequences of inconsistent use of HIV medications can be more severe.

5. Inconsistent local and national statistics have left them totally confused, and misleading sale information provided by developers cost them even more.

6. The inconsistent and recalcitrant flow of information from Japan after the disasters also contributed to the chaos.

7. Buyers also are concerned that the AMCs often provide inconsistent or incomplete information about NPL portfolios or are unable to produce key legal documentation.

8. But previous studies have provided inconsistent findings regarding the link between cigarette smoking and endometrial cancer risk.

9. Some urban or rural development programs are inconsistent with the local environmental conditions or public demand.

10. Plane manufacturer Airbus says the investigation found the flight received inconsistent readings from different instruments as it struggled in a massive thunderstorm.

inconsistent 英英释义


1. not in agreement

    Synonym: discrepant

2. displaying a lack of consistency

    e.g. inconsistent statements cannot both be true at the same time
           inconsistent with the roadmap

3. not capable of being made consistent or harmonious

    e.g. inconsistent accounts

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