
infiltrate是什么意思 infiltrate在线翻译 infiltrate什么意思 infiltrate的意思 infiltrate的翻译 infiltrate的解释 infiltrate的发音 infiltrate的同义词

infiltrate [ˈɪnfɪltreɪt]  [ɪnˈfɪlˌtret, ˈɪnfɪl-] 


infiltrate 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(使)渗透,(使)渗入; (使)潜入


infiltrate 相关例句


1. infiltrate的解释

1. The enemy infiltrated our land.


1. Many Chinese idioms have infiltrated into the Japanese language.

infiltrate 网络解释

1. 渗透:渗透(Infiltrate):若是任务允许,巢穴领主与它所带领的虫巢可使用渗透特殊规则来布署. 独立角色(Independent Character):巢穴领主视为一个独立角色. 超人力量(Inhuman Strength):因为巢穴领主攻击太过强悍,所以它造成的一切攻击伤害都无视护甲保护,

2. 渗入:但是他也被描述为一个对米国有立即性(imminent)威胁的势力.事实上,我们在伊拉克面临的最大的教他们如何突破(penetrate)最好的防毒软体.安全公司对於Ledin他的教学不是很开心.他被比喻为(liken)狂抽猛送(onslaught).现在骇客的目标是如何隐密的渗入(infiltrate)

3. 渗入,浸透:infer 推断出,推知,暗示 | infiltrate 渗入,浸透 | inflame 使动怒,激怒

4. 秘密地潜入:Perpetrator 犯罪者, 作恶者 | Infiltrate秘密地潜入 | Give weight to重视

infiltrate 词典解释

1. 渗透,潜入(地方、组织中等)
    If people infiltrate a place or organization, or infiltrate into it, they enter it secretly in order to spy on it or influence it.

    e.g. Activists had infiltrated the student movement...
    e.g. The street protests had been infiltrated by people bent on violence...

...an inquiry into alleged infiltration by the far left group...
The security zone was set up to prevent guerrilla infiltrations.

2. 使渗入;使渗透
    To infiltrate people into a place or organization means to get them into it secretly in order to spy on it or influence it.

    e.g. Some countries have infiltrated their agents into the Republic.

infiltrate 单语例句

1. Foreign intelligence reports also have said the control systems at Bushehr were penetrated by Stuxnet, a malicious software designed to infiltrate computer systems.

2. They would push past the two small traffic control women and block off anyone who had enough nerve to infiltrate the pack.

3. According to Jiang, the CSA has started to infiltrate campuses and bond with communities.

4. Soon enough, the teacher sets out to infiltrate and destroy Roger's personal and professional life.

5. His superiors decided to send him undercover to infiltrate the drug dealers'organization because he was young and few people knew him.

6. When they infiltrate Russia they have cases or bags full of dollars and they'buy'any policeman who stands in their way.

7. SOC Stockholm is an artistic and social exploration run by seven artists aiming to infiltrate society with artistic thinking.

8. Free radicals are highly unstable and reactive molecules that attack, infiltrate and injure vital cell structures.

9. Muslims in Southern California were angered in February when they learned that the FBI used an informant to infiltrate their mosques.

10. Israel will also hand over the bodies of 200 Arabs killed trying to infiltrate northern Israel.

infiltrate 英英释义


1. pass through an enemy line
    in a military conflict

    Synonym: pass through

2. pass into or through by filtering or permeating

    e.g. the substance infiltrated the material

3. cause (a liquid) to enter by penetrating the interstices

4. enter a group or organization in order to spy on the members

    e.g. The student organization was infiltrated by a traitor

    Synonym: penetrate

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