
intact是什么意思 intact在线翻译 intact什么意思 intact的意思 intact的翻译 intact的解释 intact的发音 intact的同义词 intact的反义词 intact的例句

intact [ɪnˈtækt]  [ɪn'tækt] 

intact 基本解释

形容词完好无损; 原封不动的; 完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的; 完好无缺

intact 相关例句


1. Despite his misfortunes, his faith and optimism remained intact.

2. His honor remained intact.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. He lived on the interest and keep his capital intact.

4. The delicate package arrived intact.

intact 网络解释

1. 完整的:在意大利当时众多的艺术家(artist)中,达芬奇称得上是最伟大也是最多才多艺的一位. 不论他的身份是画家还是雕刻家,他总是坚守一个信念--在创作之前,一定是经过一番思索才动手,因为这样,才能赋予作品完整的(intact)生命力.

2. intact的反义词

2. 完整:如果能拥有此叶绿素萤光测定仪,将在深度上大幅地改进[光合作用]的实验课程领域:以萤光特性定量完整(intact)叶片中的叶绿素;测定环境温度、光强度对陆生、水生和各类植物光合作用的影响-光子产量和容载量(quantum yield由於操作相当方便且容易了解,

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 完整的,未损伤的:marten overcoats 貂皮大衣 | intact 完整的,未损伤的 | tastefully 精美的

4. 有效:intraday 日内的 | intact 有效 | Japanese accounts 日本帐户

5. intact:integrated tactical communication system; 综合性战术通信系统

intact 词典解释

1. 完整无缺的;未受损伤的
    Something that is intact is complete and has not been damaged or changed.

    e.g. Most of the cargo was left intact after the explosion...
    e.g. If the family unit is still intact, the patient frequently does very well.

intact 单语例句

1. A window pane which fell several storeys was still intact after crashing onto the head of a butcher working below.

2. Stern said he wasn't disappointed by the spelling change because the pronunciation and significance of the names were still intact.

3. He then rushed into his study where he had placed dozens of valuable calligraphy scrolls, paintings and jade objects - all of which were kept intact.

4. Their balance sheets remain intact and their capital ratios are comfortably above requirements.

5. My fellow migrants in the capital largely expect to be employed for the foreseeable future, their wages and relocation packages are intact.

6. Though Chinese anthropologists have always cast doubts about it, they failed to uncover enough and intact fossil specimen to argue with the hypothesis.

7. The scandal erupted last week when Jefferson charged that the Workers Party paid monthly " allowances " to congressmen to keep the fragile governing coalition intact.

8. Still intact in Suzhou is the original chessboard layout of canals and streets in the form of a grid.

9. The capsule's outer layer broke open like a clamshell but survived mostly intact.

10. I had a hotel room intact, clean bed sheets and food to eat.

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