
intimacy是什么意思 intimacy在线翻译 intimacy什么意思 intimacy的意思 intimacy的翻译 intimacy的解释 intimacy的发音 intimacy的同义词

intimacy [ˈɪntɪməsi]  [ˈɪntəməsi] 


intimacy 基本解释

名词亲密; 亲近; 亲昵的言行; 性行为

intimacy 相关例句


1. intimacy

1. He refused to tell it to me except in the intimacy of his room.

2. intimacy的翻译

2. An intimacy grew up between us.

3. intimacy什么意思

3. His intimacy with Japan makes him the likely choice as ambassador to that country.

4. The intimacy of the room was enhanced by its warm colours.

intimacy 网络解释

1. 亲切感:罗伯茨在他的书中强调能够打动消费者的三大途径是神秘感(mystery)、性感(sensuality)和亲切感(intimacy),而这三种途径需要画面、声音和动作来实现,所以SISOMO是在交流中能够影响人们思维的最有效的元素.

2. 亲密关系:拍过<<受伤的男人>>(L'homme blesse)、<<玛格皇后>>(Queen Margot)和<<亲密关系>>(Intimacy)的法国导演帕特里斯 谢罗(Patrice Chereau)最擅长拍摄关于人与人之间一些关系激烈的电影.

intimacy 词典解释

1. 亲密;密切
    Intimacy between two people is a very close personal relationship between them.

    e.g. ...a means of achieving intimacy with another person.

2. 性;性关系
    You sometimes use intimacy to refer to sex or a sexual relationship.

    e.g. Her sunburn made intimacy too painful...
    e.g. The truth was he did not feel like intimacy with any woman.

3. 亲昵的言语(或行为)
    Intimacies are things that you say or do to someone you have a very close personal relationship with.

    e.g. ...the intimacies of a love scene.

intimacy 单语例句

1. One can hardly miss this intimacy as a very private and carefree Monroe meets the eye.

2. As the roads widen and buildings shoot into the sky, the intimacy of crowded neighborhoods where you'd hear chitchat in the local dialect is disappearing.

3. But it can't preserve the intimacy of the original film, and the loosened characters slide into cliche.

4. I went home exhausted but looking forward to a call from Colleen, informing me which men had requested further intimacy.

5. " Women don't give men a lot of credit in terms of emotional intimacy, " Murphy said.

6. About 75 per cent said they thought about intimacy at least once a day, but only one in three people got their daily dose of it.

7. They fell in love at first sight and were as affectionate as husband and wife, sharing the same coverlet and pillow with unbounded intimacy for one another.

8. There was some concern that the spacious new digs might disturb the sense of intimacy, but fear not.

9. His research on extramarital affairs by officials suggests that opportunity, intimacy and sympathy are the main motives for men to seek mistresses.

10. While women working far from home yearn for love and intimacy, they often feel guilty about having sex before marriage.

intimacy 英英释义


1. close or warm friendship

    e.g. the absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy

    Synonym: familiaritycloseness

2. a feeling of being intimate and belonging together

    e.g. their closeness grew as the night wore on

    Synonym: closeness

3. a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship

    Synonym: affairaffaireliaisoninvolvementamour

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