
intrude是什么意思 intrude在线翻译 intrude什么意思 intrude的意思 intrude的翻译 intrude的解释 intrude的发音 intrude的同义词 intrude的反义词

intrude [ɪnˈtru:d]  [ɪnˈtrud] 


intrude 基本解释

不及物动词闯入; 打扰; 侵入,侵扰,打扰

及物动词把观点强加于他人; [地质]侵入其他地层; 把…硬挤

intrude 同义词

intrude 反义词


intrude 相关例句


1. He intruded himself into the conversation without a word of apology.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. He tried to intrude his opinions on me.


1. intrude的解释

1. I don't want to intrude.

2. intrude的反义词

2. Don't intrude in a family dispute.

intrude 网络解释

1. 闯入:施谛文大使对中共的这个态度细微转变感到欢欣鼓舞,因为在新的换文中,中共方面使用了擅自闯入(intrude)一词而并非之前一直强硬坚持的侵入(invasion他异常兴奋的告诉布郎特,他对继续谈判感到非常有信心,希望继续授权克仁斯(当时还没有撤换)谈判.

2. 侵入:根据叫声意义之不同,叫声可分成四种:侵入(intrude)是指雄蛙进入其他雄蛙巢中的行为. 依据侵入行为的情况与结果之不同,可分成:一﹑敌对状态(agonistic status二﹑干扰(interference三﹑共处(coexistence)三种.

3. 打扰,侵袭:intrigue 吸引,激起兴趣,使困惑; 阴谋 | intrude 打扰,侵袭 | intuition 直觉知识,直觉

4. intrude的反义词

4. 闯入;侵入;把......强加诸于:13.hilarious 狂欢的;令人捧腹的 | 14.intrude 闯入;侵入;把......强加诸于 | 15.modest 谦逊的;适度的;朴实的;端庄的

intrude 词典解释

1. 侵扰;打扰
    If you say that someone is intruding into a particular place or situation, you mean that they are not wanted or welcome there.

    e.g. The press has been blamed for intruding into people's personal lives in an unacceptable way...
    e.g. I don't want to intrude on your meeting...

2. 干扰;扰乱
    If something intrudes on your mood or your life, it disturbs it or has an unwanted effect on it.

    e.g. Do you feel anxious when unforeseen incidents intrude on your day?...
    e.g. There are times when personal feelings cannot be allowed to intrude.

3. 侵入;闯入
    If someone intrudes into a place, they go there even though they are not allowed to be there.

    e.g. The officer on the scene said no one had intruded into the area.
    e.g. We believe they intruded on to the field of play...

intrude 单语例句


1. The nexus between money and power in some quarters is the " chief culprit " that has made millionaires and billionaires intrude on public space.

2. You can critique her work, but don't intrude on her privacy.

3. The Teana is beginning to intrude on the positions of Honda Accord and Toyota Camry.

4. Many young people are corrupted when they intrude into forbidden territory like visiting porn sites.

5. The leader ordered " a powerful retaliatory strike " if Monday's drills intrude on the DPRK's territory, it said.

6. The law plays a role in the public sphere and should never intrude into the private sector.

7. However, the extensive surveillance systems often intrude into people's private lives.

8. No one has tried to intrude on his domain, he said.

9. But press freedom does not mean that reporters should arbitrarily intrude into the private lives of public figures.

10. As the elephants from Myanmar often intrude into Bangladeshi forest, the experts fear the virus may make its way to Bangladesh from Myanmar or Thailand.

intrude 英英释义


1. thrust oneself in as if by force

    e.g. The colors don't intrude on the viewer

    Synonym: obtrude

2. enter uninvited

    e.g. They intruded on our dinner party
           She irrupted into our sitting room

    Synonym: irrupt

3. search or inquire in a meddlesome way

    e.g. This guy is always nosing around the office

    Synonym: horn inprynosepoke

4. enter unlawfully on someone's property

    e.g. Don't trespass on my land!

    Synonym: trespass

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