
knee是什么意思 knee在线翻译 knee什么意思 knee的意思 knee的翻译 knee的解释 knee的发音 knee的同义词 knee的反义词 knee的例句 knee的相关词组

knee [ni:]  [ni] 


knee 基本解释


名词膝; 膝盖


knee 相关词组

1. on the knees of the gods : 尚未可知的, 非人力所能左右的;

knee 相关例句


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. He kneed the door open.


1. She mended the holes in the knees of his trousers.

2. She was on her knees weeding the garden.

knee 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 膝关节:如腕关节(wrist)一本,肩关节(shoulder)一本,肘关节(elbow)一本,膝关节(knee)一本,踝关节(ankle)一本.......现今医学院因为普遍采用PBL教学,所以将大五的临床医学与大六的临床见习(clerk)整合在一起,才会有你所说的两年.

2. 膝部:3,痛风(gout):关节液中蓄积尿酸晶体(uric acid crystals),多见于大脚趾(big toe),踝骨(ankle),膝部(knee),少见于腕部(wrist),肘部(elbow)突发性的灼痛,僵直和肿胀.

knee 词典解释

1. 膝;膝盖;膝关节
    Your knee is the place where your leg bends.


    e.g. He will receive physiotherapy on his damaged left knee.
    e.g. ...a knee injury.

2. (坐下时)大腿朝上的面
    If something or someone is on your knee or on your knees, they are resting or sitting on the upper part of your legs when you are sitting down.

    e.g. He sat with the package on his knees...
    e.g. I sat in the back of the taxi with my son on my knee.

3. (裤子的)膝部
    The knee on a piece of clothing is the part that covers your knee.

    e.g. ...jeans with holes at both knees.

4. 膝部
    If you are on your knees, your legs are bent and your knees are on the ground.

    e.g. She fell to the ground on her knees and prayed...
    e.g. She was on her knees in the kitchen.

5. 用膝盖顶
    If you knee someone, you hit them using your knee.

    e.g. Ian kneed him in the groin.

6. 摧毁;使瘫痪
    If a country or organization is brought to its knees, it is almost completely destroyed by someone or something.

    e.g. The country was being brought to its knees by the loss of 2.4 million manufacturing jobs...
    e.g. Our aim is to bring this government to its knees, to force it to the negotiating table.

knee 单语例句


1. Dallas Mavericks forward Caron Butler has been ruled out for the rest of the season after undergoing knee surgery on Tuesday.

2. Inter's win was soured by a right knee injury to Adriano.

3. They were deactivated by coach Pat Riley the day he began an indefinite leave of absence to undergo knee and hip surgery.

4. Pique will be sidelined for between two and three weeks, while club captain Carles Puyol is out for around a month after straining knee ligaments.

5. Scans Tuesday confirmed he had knocked a small piece of cartilage off the joint surface of the patella in his left knee.

6. Tiger Woods had arthroscopic surgery on his left knee Tuesday to repair cartilage damage, his second operation in five years on the same knee.

7. " Doctors will have to clean up the meniscus and repair a cartilage in my knee, " he told reporters last month.

8. He reluctantly abandoned running after he tore some cartilage in his knee.

9. In Kidd's operation, small holes were drilled in his left knee to form scar tissue that replaces cartilage.

10. Doctors removed torn cartilage from his left knee at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.

knee 英英释义


1. joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped
    corresponds to the human knee

    Synonym: stifle

2. the part of a trouser leg that provides the cloth covering for the knee

3. hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella

    Synonym: knee jointhuman kneearticulatio genusgenu

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