
lettuce是什么意思 lettuce在线翻译 lettuce什么意思 lettuce的意思 lettuce的翻译 lettuce的解释 lettuce的发音 lettuce的同义词 lettuce的反义词

lettuce [ˈletɪs]  [ˈlɛtəs] 


lettuce 基本解释

名词莴苣,生菜; <俚>纸币

lettuce 相关例句


1. lettuce是什么意思

1. Go and buy a couple of lettuces.

lettuce 网络解释

1. 莴苣:莴苣所属分类: 中药 健康科学 农业 可以食用的植物 植物 植物学 菊亚纲 蔬菜 食品原料 饮食 莴苣(lettuce)是菊科(compositae)莴苣属能形成叶球或嫩茎的一二年生草本植物,学名Lactucasativa L..

2. 生菜:伞形花科芹属中的一个成变原产 地中海沿岸,由叶用芹菜演变形种, 能形成肥大肉根的二年生草本植物, 以脆嫩的肉质根和叶柄供食主要分布 在欧洲地区.中国近年来引进,仅有 少量栽培 生菜(Lettuce) 生菜(Lettuce) 生菜又名叶用莴苣,

3. lettuce的解释

3. 莴笋:也许你想去买茶、莴笋、鸡蛋、苹果和梨,你不妨按下列秩序记住: 梨(pears)=P 莴笋(lettuce)=L 苹果(apples)=A 茶(tea)=T 鸡蛋(eggs)=E 这5个单词的第一个字母可以组成一个新的词汇:plate(圆盘),你只需记住一个词例万事大吉了.

4. lettuce的近义词

4. 苣:美国人经常选择的蔬菜有卷心菜( cabbage) 、莴苣( lettuce) 、番茄( tomato) 、香菜( caraway) 和菠菜( spinach) 等等. 这些蔬菜一般都被做成色拉( salad) , 有时连蘑菇(mushroom) 等菌类都是生吃的, 据说是为了让蔬菜的营养成分不被破坏.

lettuce 词典解释

1. 莴苣;生菜
    A lettuce is a plant with large green leaves that is the basic ingredient of many salads.

lettuce 单语例句

1. But then he had to protect his summer lettuce from the heat of the sun by hanging a piece of cloth to provide shade.

2. Caesar salad was made of fresh Boston lettuce, but the dressing was of the thick cream kind.

3. Lettuce slices are dried and marinated to proffer an unexpected crispy chewing sensation.

4. The burger consists of fresh chicken breast on a bed of lettuce, tomato and red onion.

5. Green and yellow blossoms of lettuce coral are growing rampant on an underwater cliff 15 metres below the surface.

6. There were too many to feed, so villagers dug up unripe lettuce and mixed them with porridge.

7. A salad with spinach has more than three times the amount of folate as one with iceberg lettuce.

8. Taking only seconds to cook on the grill, these morsels are dipped in sauces and wrapped in lettuce leaves.

9. Lettuce and parsley splattered with blood were strewn on the pavement, along with spices and packages of children's socks.

10. Burger added the institute is lifting its warning against eating cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce.

lettuce 英英释义



1. leaves of any of various plants of Lactuca sativa

2. any of various plants of the genus Lactuca

3. informal terms for money

    Synonym: boodlebreadcabbageclamsdinerodoughgeltkalelollylucrelootmoolahpelfscratchshekelssimoleonssugarwampum

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