
llamas是什么意思 llamas在线翻译 llamas什么意思 llamas的意思 llamas的翻译 llamas的解释 llamas的发音 llamas的同义词 llamas的反义词 llamas的例句

llamas 基本解释

美洲驼( llama的名词复数 );


llamas 网络解释

1. 美洲驼:根据这个领域的专家,在哥伦布之前的美洲的驯化动物是美洲驼(llamas)、羊驼(alpacas)、天竺鼠(guinea pigs)和火鸡. 但是这些没有在<<摩门经>>里面被指出. (参见<<哥伦布前的美洲人>>第二十六到二十七页). 连摩门教护教学者 John Sorenson 承认说

2. llamas的翻译

2. 利亚马斯:Llaguno 利亞古諾 | Llamas 利亞馬斯 | Llamzares 利亞馬薩雷斯

3. llamas的反义词

3. 青蛙:027905 ANIMAL BREEDERS 动物饲养者 | 027906 LLAMAS 青蛙 | 027908 FROG DEALERS 青蛙经销商

llamas 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. Few trees survive in the wind-sheared expanses, and few crops can be coaxed out of the ground. But this echoing landscape is inhabited—by chinchillas and delicately hoofed vicu as, alpacas, and llamas, by inquisitive foxes and, improbably, by large groups of flamingos, which find the exposed, barren expanses of the region's salt lakes a delightful place to breed.

2. But it covers all types of creatures from insects to llamas.

3. Their ears are half way in length between camels and llamas, but they have the strong, desert-ready legs of a camel.

4. llamas的近义词

4. Although it might seem strange, llamas actually make great pets.

5. Penguins, opossums, hummingbirds, llamas, pumas, foxes, condors, spectacled bears and many more have all managed to carve out an existence somewhere in one of the many worlds that we call the Andes
    企鹅,opossums ,蜂鸟,骆驼,美洲狮,狐狸,兀鹰,眼镜熊和许多都设法开拓出一个生存的地方之一,许多世界上,我们呼吁安第斯

6. llamas

6. You can see llamas in South America.

7. The Dama Llamas from Qingdao are one of the only original music acts in a city of 7 million people.
    The Dama Llamas是来自青岛的唯一一个原创音乐的行为,在一个700万人的城市中。

8. He travels with his father and a herd of llamas to trade salt.

9. I'e read that Mr Obama is allergic to Llamas and cats.

10. llamas的翻译

10. They also have areas with farm animals and pets, and a mini train ride to feed llamas.

11. But the scientists have found a solution to that problem immune system proteins called antibodies from camels and llamas.

12. It can infect all cloven-hoofed animals -- cattle, goat s, sheep, pigs, water buffalo, deer, bison, antelope, reindeer, llamas, chamois, alpacas, vicunas, giraffes, impala, elk, and camels.

13. It can infect all cloven-hoofed animals -- cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, water buffalo, deer, bison, antelope, reindeer, llamas, chamois, alpacas, vicunas, giraffes, impala, elk, and camel s.

14. Does its odor remind one of llamas, Or has it a comforting smell?

15. A young boy with braided hair carries a panpipe as he herds llamas along the shore.

16. Llamas won't bite or kick.

17. The singer Michael Jackson has a private menagerie of zebras, llamas and giraffes.

18. And to protect livestock, consider using guard animals such as dogs, donkeys, llamas and even ostriches.

19. In contrast, a much smaller number is interested in other pastimes, such as curling or raising llamas.

20. Even the llamas trying to eat grass and mind their own business seemed irritated by the volumes of tourists.

llamas 单语例句


1. The white stone llamas embedded in the walls of the large terraces are famous.

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