
lumberjack是什么意思 lumberjack在线翻译 lumberjack什么意思 lumberjack的意思 lumberjack的翻译 lumberjack的解释 lumberjack的发音 lumberjack的同义词

lumberjack [ˈlʌmbədʒæk]  [ˈlʌmbərdʒæk] 


lumberjack 基本解释


lumberjack 网络解释

1. 伐木工:最后成为一个完美的新定居点!从建造你的基础供给开始,造一个伐木工(lumberjack)和一个渔夫来储藏一些木头和鱼,收集足够的鱼和木头来填满你城堡的仓库.

2. lumberjack的解释

2. 伐木工人:198. Taxi Driver 出租车司机 | 199. Dairy Farmer 牛奶场工人 | 200. Lumberjack 伐木工人

3. 木材最大:stonemason 石头最大 | lumberjack 木材最大 | rain 空间最大

4. 林业局长任务:-karo 黑虎任务 | -lumberjack林业局长任务 | -offer 火神祭

lumberjack 双语例句

1. lumberjack的意思

1. And his Top Fuel is with him all the way. Through two national and six world championship 24- hour solo victories. And through his 06 vic- fory in the Lumberjack 100
    他的 Top Fuel 一直伴随着他夺得了两个全国、和六个世界24小时自行车马拉松冠军,并于2006年的大奖赛上在 Lum- berjack 100创造了新的记录。

2. lumberjack的意思

2. What did the kindling say to the lumberjack?

3. lumberjack

3. It is said that first discovered the Yellowstone Tian Ming literati Xuequan Cao that he was very fortuitous in the hands of the lumberjack bought a piece of yellow rock田黄石鉴定, holding in their hands made him look like, and this is now the Tin Yellowstone.

4. I want to be a lumberjack!

5. I spent a summer working as a lumberjack.

6. lumberjack的翻译

6. He was a lumberjack, living in lumber camps of the American Northwest.

7. And he ate like a lumberjack.

8. Completing this challenge allows your lumberjack to reach level 2 in skill.

9. Until now, he`s been a lumberjack in Oregon, a medical equipment manufacturer in Minnesota, a hydrologist in Colorado, a farmer in Nebraska, to name just a few.

10. New peasant jobs quarryman, lumberjack, farmer

11. lumberjack的解释

11. There is a great variety of food eaten at this time of year: New England has Lumberjack Pie a mashed potato crust, filled with meats, onion and cinnamon; North Carolina has Moravian Love-Feast Buns (faintly sweet bread of flour and mashed potatoes; Baltimore serves Sauerkraut (which includes apples, onions and carrots) with their turkey and Southern states have Hominy Grits Souffl?
      有丰富,形式多样的食物吃在每年的这个时候:新英格兰地区有樵夫饼(一捣碎的马铃薯地壳,洋溢着肉,洋葱及肉桂;北卡罗来纳州已摩拉维亚爱情盛宴包(依稀甜面包的面粉和土豆泥);巴尔的摩服务酸菜汁(其中包括苹果,洋葱和红萝卜),与土耳其和南部各州有hominy糁souffl ?

12. Note: Lumberjack the logs if you can, otherwise buy them and everything else from the AH.

13. lumberjack的解释

13. With honey, please.- I would like the lumberjack and coffee.

14. More than one fell to Drogba, a tree of a man with the finesse of a lumberjack.

15. Note: I suggest you Lumberjack the Yew and quiver the results.

16. Last year, actuary placed second and mathematician first, while lumberjack ranked as the worst job.

17. lumberjack是什么意思

17. He wore mountain-climbing boots, expensive ones, his pride and joy, Italian make, in which he clomped around over the sawdust floor of the bar like an oldtime lumberjack.

18. Hey. I'm not a lumberjack or a fur trader, and I don't live in an igloo, or eat blubber, or own a dogsled.

19. The least desirable jobs along with roustabout for 2011 are iron worker, lumberjack, roofer and taxi driver, it said.

20. Being a roustabout was rated the worst, followed by lumberjack, ironworker, dairy farmer and welder, it said.

lumberjack 词典解释

1. 伐木工;原木采运工
    A lumberjack is a person whose job is to cut down trees.

lumberjack 英英释义



1. a short warm outer jacket

    Synonym: lumber jacket

2. a person who fells trees

    Synonym: lumbermanloggerfellerfaller

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