
measuring是什么意思 measuring在线翻译 measuring什么意思 measuring的意思 measuring的翻译 measuring的解释 measuring的发音 measuring的同义词

measuring ['meʒərɪŋ]  ['meʒrɪŋ] 


measuring 基本解释


动词测量; 衡量; 量( measure的现在分词 ); 量出

measuring 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 测量:印度环境部长Jairam Ramesh昨天(2月4日)说,INCCA由来自印度120个研究机构的200多位科学家组成,而且将把重点放在三个M上--测量(measuring)、建模(modelling)和监测(monitoring)--从而对气候变化对农业、水、生物多样性、自然生态系统

2. measuring

2. 测评:二是改变以机关规章制度为主要制约手段的服从意识,引进新的科学的人力测评(Measuring)技术,促使人力资源管理向着提高政府绩效的方向发展. 尽快将公务员的测评分成素质成长分析和绩效评价分析即工作成绩两个部分,由评价型测评转向开发型测评,

3. 测量设备:所销售的产品可用於超声波焊接设备(Welding)、IC邦定设备(Wire-bonding)、超声波医疗仪器(Medical instrument)、超声波测距/测量设备(Measuring)、超声波 ...广州市富齐自动化设备有限公司专业代理销售日本奥普士(OPTEX)及德国施克

4. measuring的翻译

4. 测量的:成熟度的四个梯级分别是:标准化的(Standardizing)、可测量的(Measuring)、可控的(Controlling)、持续改进的(ContinuouslyImproving). 下面这张图表示了组织逐步成长的过程,好比一个孩子,最初一级刚给他订标准和规矩,最高一级说明他已成熟,

measuring 词典解释

1. (尤指烹饪时)测量(或称量)用的(壶、杯、匙等)
    A measuring jug, cup, or spoon is specially designed for measuring quantities, especially in cooking.

measuring 单语例句

1. The GRACE satellite maps the Earth's gravity fields by measuring the distance between two identical satellites.

2. By measuring the relative amount of red and green in the paintings, the scientists aimed to calculate the amount of dust in the atmosphere.

3. In view of this, we can't overestimate the GDP's role in measuring a country's national strength.

4. Radiocarbon dating depends on measuring the radioactive isotope of carbon known as carbon 14, which is ingested during a lifetime and steadily decays after death.

5. It was not unusual to see people bring along a measuring tape and a carpenter to Ikea.

6. Statistics show 35 percent of earthquakes measuring seven and above on the Richter Scale in the world's continents occurred in China in the last century.

7. Shot clock - a timer measuring the length of time since the last shot.

8. He pretty much owned it when he showed up in Turin, and the rest of the field couldn't come close to measuring up.

9. A composite index measuring the domestic steel prices fell 36 percent by the end of December compared with six months ago.

10. It is designed to search for various types of unusual matter by measuring cosmic rays.

measuring 英英释义


1. the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule

    e.g. the measurements were carefully done
           his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate

    Synonym: measurementmeasuremensuration

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