
miniascape是什么意思 miniascape在线翻译 miniascape什么意思 miniascape的意思 miniascape的翻译 miniascape的解释 miniascape的发音 miniascape的同义词

miniascape ['mɪnɪəskeɪp]  ['mɪnɪrskeɪp] 

miniascape 基本解释


miniascape 网络解释

1. 盆景:mini-cassette tape 迷你型盒式录音带 | miniascape 盆景 | miniate 涂红色于

miniascape 双语例句

1. miniascape的反义词

1. Every year, skillful craftsman people create narcissuses miniascape, and can according to the art of engraving of the people, in the period ShouDan, open, give holiday, marriage celebration, and ushers add luster.

2. miniascape的意思

2. The breeding process of peachblossom miniascape and the flower forcing technique were reviewed.

3. miniascape的反义词

3. Administrative method and arboreous miniascape are basic and identical, but should a few special attention is following measure

4. The conserve of safflower model wood is simpler, should be in only annual necessary clip waited to the branch tip of crown of a tree before bud in March, deadwood of purify weak branch, in order to maintain good tree look, want to notice to offer better ventilated environment at the same time, especially miniascape.

5. Follow true miniascape, the clear acting hall that raise a heart is built do the artificer of place people, make rings imitate green bamboo with ecru halcyon, looking still is really so one and the same.

6. To make up for cuttage Miao Sheng grows slow blemish, stock can is in order to open the orangewood of white flower to undertake cutting receiving in 4-6 month, with this Fakejia is born quickly blossom model, be made in miniascape especially and breed is improved go up commonly used this law.

7. If roll out an ideal capable person to pledge elegant tree is planted, let everybody be admired in all common, that will be the thing of miniascape person excitement.

8. Will tell from some kind of concept, miniascape also is aesthetic, literature and scientific synthesis.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. April is miniascape formative optimal time Duan Zhi one.

10. Miniascape is the artistic curiosa of Chinese tradition, having long history, get of numerous people love, also enjoy reputation on the world.

11. There were some very serious fruit peel rusts of Fuji apple miniascape in its production.

12. Current, jujube miniascape is on flowers market limelight strong, suffer fully cultivate an angle with agency.

13. miniascape的翻译

13. The Breeding of Peachblossom Miniascape and Flower Forcing Technique

14. miniascape什么意思

14. The west garden in Liuhua Park is a famous miniascape garden and one of the excellence Lingnan Gardens.

15. Extending the luxury of the court, the miniascape is growing silently as enjoying the pride of the standing in the royal court.

miniascape 单语例句


1. Villagers use old water vat to grow lotuses for their roots and use the vat as a miniascape for decoration.

2. There are rich varieties of flowers and trees suitable for gardening and miniascape, while the jequirity is the most favored.

3. The establishment of these groups has greatly promoted the rapid growth of miniascape culture in China.

4. Miniascape associations are even established in many counties, enterprises and public institutions.

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