
multiplex是什么意思 multiplex在线翻译 multiplex什么意思 multiplex的意思 multiplex的翻译 multiplex的解释 multiplex的发音 multiplex的同义词

multiplex [ˈmʌltɪpleks]  [ˈmʌltəˌplɛks] 


multiplex 基本解释

形容词多元的,多倍的,复式的; 多部的,复合的,多样的,多重的; ;[电讯]多路传输的

名词多路; 多厅影院,多剧场影剧院

动词多路传输,多路复用; 多重发讯

multiplex 网络解释

1. multiplex是什么意思

1. 多路传输:这样的局面暗示着必须牺牲效能,以手动的方式将信号利用多路传输(multiplex)的方法将信号整合. 对应装置的输入输出,是为了维持需求的效能水准,因此必须重复地复制某些逻辑闸. 如果有数个区块,而且必须分割到三个或以上的FPGA上头,

2. 复用:用来连接情景中的终接;③流(stream),用于实现一个情景中不同流的区分,并且为子流独立选路,如终端A可能发送出语音和视频两种流,两者可独立地传送给终端B和终端C;④复用(multiplex),用于从多个不同的物理承载中接收不同的媒体,

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 多重:片段长度多态性分析(FLPA)和自动化核型分析系统用于临床分离菌的鉴定发现,耐药MC为同种间的异质基因,是来自于某一克隆的成功繁殖,此外,利用PCR和16S rRNA基因测序可精确鉴定MC,同时测定三种或更多种常见致病菌的多重(multiplex)PCR技术也已经在临床应用,

4. multiplex是什么意思

4. 多路复用:为了充分利用通信干线的通信能力,人们广泛使用多路复用(Multiplex)技术,即让多路通信信道同时共用一条线路. 多路复用可分为频分多路复用和时分多路复用. .频分多路复用 当我们采用宽带信号时,由于同一线路上不同频率的各路信道互不干扰地同时传输各自的信号,

multiplex 词典解释

1. (拥有6个或6个以上银幕的)多放映厅影院
    A multiplex is a cinema complex with six or more screens.


multiplex 单语例句


1. Producers complain that multiplex owners have effectively formed a cartel and were negotiating unfair deals with individual filmmakers.

2. I doubt there is any multiplex in China that operates like this, simply because the kind of trust needed does not exist here.

3. Multiplex cinemas have taken off in India in the last five years.

4. Warmer Bros International Cinemas boasts more than 70 multiplex cinemas and more than 650 screens internationally to date.

5. And of course the industry itself is so much more than the fare at the local multiplex.

6. Born with arthrogryposis multiplex congenital, he got involved in equestrianism in 1989.

7. The steeply raked auditorium is dark and insulated from the sound of other theaters in the same multiplex.

8. Bollywood film producers are going on indefinite strike from this weekend, after failing to resolve differences with multiplex owners over their share of box office takings.

multiplex 英英释义



1. a movie theater than has several different auditoriums in the same building

2. communicates two or more signals over a common channel


1. having many parts or aspects

    e.g. the multiplex problem of drug abuse

2. many and varied
    having many features or forms

    e.g. manifold reasons
           our manifold failings
           manifold intelligence
           the multiplex opportunities in high technology

    Synonym: manifold

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