
upper是什么意思 upper在线翻译 upper什么意思 upper的意思 upper的翻译 upper的解释 upper的发音 upper的同义词 upper的反义词 upper的例句

upper [ˈʌpə(r)]  [ˈʌpɚ] 


upper 基本解释

形容词上面的; 地位较高的; 内地的; 地表层的

名词鞋帮,靴面; 兴奋剂; 令人兴奋的经历

upper 同义词


upper 反义词


upper 相关例句


1. This part of town is where the upper class live.

2. He has a scar on his upper lip.

3. The plates on the upper shelf were beyond my reach.

upper 情景对话


A:This will be your office here.


B:A corner office? Really? Wow, this is great!

A:We try to give everyone in the upper management team a nice office. After all, you will be spending a lot of time in here.

B:I suppose so. It’s great.

A:On Monday, we’ll give you the keys to the company car. You can use it for personal use, but make sure to keep track of the gas you use. We’ll reimburse you for the upkeep and the gas you use for business.


B:Is there a coffee machine around here?


A:Yes, we have a coffee machine and some other beverages in the break room.


B:Where’s that again?

A:It’s just down the hall, the fourth door on your right.


B:Got it.


A:You can always call me if you need anything and I will get it for you. That’s one of my duties as your personal assistant.

upper 网络解释

1. 鞋面:3D 鞋面 (Upper) 设计 2D 纸板设计Crispin的级放(Grading)系统有支援国际尺寸标准包含英国、美国、法国的男女成人、青少年、儿童尺寸. 在级放系统中所提供的功能有: 标准号头级放、长筒靴专用级放、局部锁定级放. 3D 鞋面 (Upper) 设计

2. upper在线翻译

2. 上部:变排量喷咀管(VDOT)空调系统诊断.变排量喷咀管(VDOT)制冷系统变排量喷咀管(VDOT)制冷剂加注是否从变排量喷咀管(VDOT)系统性能测试转至此处?2.将空调控制总成置于上部(UPPER)模式. 4.将空调控制总成置于上部(UPPER)模式.

3. (大写):---把字符串的字符变成全大写(UPPER)全小写(LOWER)第一个字母大写(IN99vCAP)复制本文链接(URL)发送给朋友:

upper 词典解释

1. 较高的;上面的
    You use upper to describe something that is above something else.


    e.g. There is a smart restaurant on the upper floor...
    e.g. Students travel the cheap lower deck and tourists the upper.

2. 较上面的;较高的
    You use upper to describe the higher part of something.


    e.g. ...the upper part of the foot.
    e.g. ...the muscles of the upper back and chest.

3. 上风;优势;有利地位
    If you have the upper hand in a situation, you have more power than the other people involved and can make decisions about what happens.

    e.g. The government was beginning to gain the upper hand...
    e.g. It was easy to see who had the upper hand.

4. 鞋帮
    The upper of a shoe is the top part of it, which is attached to the sole and the heel.

    e.g. Wear well-fitting, lace-up shoes with soft uppers...
    e.g. Leather uppers allow the feet to breathe.

5. 兴奋剂
    Uppers are drugs that make you feel very happy, excited, and full of energy.


    e.g. ...people crazy on alcohol and cocaine and uppers and downers...
    e.g. I'd taken a handful of uppers.

6. a stiff upper lip -> see lip

upper 单语例句

1. Due to the language barriers and ignorance of Russian customs, most Chinese business people in Russia fail to enter the upper echelons of Russian society.

2. The business model during that period attempted to get the upper hand in competition through the growth of liability.

3. The upper level is a gentleman's club with private rooms and massage.

4. The buying of US dollars is triggered automatically when the exchange rate hits the upper limit of the trading band under the Currency Board Mechanism.

5. An act of parliament would be necessary to enable a member of the upper house to become prime minister in the lower house of parliament.

6. The handle is created by a price retreat from the upper right hand point of the cup pattern.

7. The ruling Democratic Party of Japan yesterday said it will call for an inflation target in its platform for July upper house elections.

8. Japan's main opposition party is fielding an openly lesbian candidate for July's upper house elections, in an unprecedented move for the country's conservative political world.

9. National Zoo staff also noted that the cub now has upper and lower incisor and canine teeth.

10. Canoe Slalom depends on great upper body strength, but also incredible control and precision.

upper 英英释义



1. a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite
    used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression

    Synonym: amphetaminepep pillspeed

2. piece of leather or synthetic material that forms the part of a shoe or boot above the sole that encases the foot

    e.g. Uppers come in many styles

3. the higher of two berths

    Synonym: upper berth



1. higher in place or position

    e.g. the upper bunk
           in the upper center of the picture
           the upper stories

2. superior in rank or accomplishment

    e.g. the upper half of the class

3. the topmost one of two

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