
murky是什么意思 murky在线翻译 murky什么意思 murky的意思 murky的翻译 murky的解释 murky的发音 murky的同义词 murky的反义词 murky的例句

murky [ˈmɜ:ki]  [ˈmɜ:rki] 


murky 基本解释

形容词阴暗的,昏暗的; 朦胧的,含糊的,暧昧的; (指水)脏的,(雾等)浓的; (陷入)心中无数的困境(或险境)


名词阴暗; 混浊; 昏暗; 可疑

murky 相关例句


1. murky的反义词

1. Rain poured down from the murky skies.

murky 网络解释

1. 阴暗的,(雾等)浓的:11. beacon 信标,灯塔,烽火 | 12. murky 阴暗的,(雾等)浓的 | 13. prop up 给......撑腰,支持

2. 阴沉的:murkiness 黝暗 | murky 阴沉的 | murmur against 小声抱怨

3. 不能见光的:入侵户口gain fraudulent access to customers' accounts | 不能见光的murky | 巧妙的骗局an elaborate hoax

4. murky是什么意思

4. 含糊的:manifesto 宣言,声明 | murky 含糊的 | nepotic 重用亲戚的

murky 词典解释

1. 阴暗的;昏暗的
    A murky place or time of day is dark and rather unpleasant because there is not enough light.

    e.g. The large lamplit room was murky with woodsmoke...
    e.g. It happened at Stamford Bridge one murky November afternoon.

2. (水或雾)污浊的,浑浊的
    Murky water or fog is so dark and dirty that you cannot see through it.

    e.g. ...the deep, murky waters of Loch Ness.

3. 暧昧可疑的;不可告人的
    If you describe an activity or situation as murky, you suspect that it is dishonest or morally wrong.

    e.g. There has been a murky conspiracy to keep them out of power.

4. 含糊不清的;难以理解的
    If you describe something as murky, you mean that the details of it are not clear or that it is difficult to understand.

    e.g. The law here is a little bit murky...
    e.g. The origins of bull-riding, which serves no practical purpose, are murkier.

murky 单语例句

1. But they are also the stories of those who have tested the murky waters and managed to carve a niche for themselves.

2. Analysts said the fundamentals of Blackstone might justify CIC's additional investment, although the prospects of the US financial market remain murky.

3. Details of North Korea's proposals were murky and it was not clear what could be agreed in Friday's session.

4. Now a murky green - not blue as immortalized in the Strauss waltz - the river flows through four former communist nations.

5. I am content with wines that look murky but make me want to embrace a second and a third glass.

6. But it failed to offer a convincing mechanism for coordinating work among the five ministries, leaving the murky regulation of food safety unresolved.

7. The murky water suggests that Darwin's law was in action as a meager pair of fish swam lazily around a solitary turtle.

8. But the future direction of the renminbi has become increasingly murky as China's trade surplus has eroded in recent months.

9. The search for bodies in the Mississippi River was painstakingly slow as divers navigated debris and murky water after Wednesday's collapse.

10. An exquisite, murky gray tone and the solemn mood of dusk display his emotions effectively.

murky 英英释义



1. dark or gloomy

    e.g. a murky dungeon
           murky rooms lit by smoke-blackened lamps

    Synonym: mirky

2. (of liquids) clouded as with sediment

    e.g. a cloudy liquid
           muddy coffee
           murky waters

    Synonym: cloudymuddymirkyturbid

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